The Caipirinha merci is incredibly popular and a great cocktail party! Why? The alcohol in combination with sugar and lime give you a splash of energy. It tastes good, is fresh and you get spontaneous sense to swing and party. Brazil certainly comes in handy during merci the sultry samba nights.
The main ingredient in the recipe of the Caipirinha is Cachaça (Brazilian rum). This is the national drink of Brazil. merci Nowhere in the world is much Cachaça drunk. Every year a sloppy Cachaça merci produced 1.5 billion liters (!) Which is only 1% for export. Brazilians lusts have a glass Cachaça so.
Especially in view of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic merci Games in Rio de Janeiro, there will be only more people merci drink Caipirinha. Beware though, in Brazil they are not stingy with the alcohol and if you have a couple it can suddenly go very fast. So take it easy with the Caipirinha - the night is young (especially in Rio de Janeiro).
Muddle (squeeze and push out into the glass) 4 lime wedges with the cane. Make it a good mix. Then add a lot of ice and add a dash of Cachaça. Mix it, such as in the movie, or stir with a spoon (in cocktail bars mullet country) the ingredients together so that it becomes one. Enjoy and celebrate it!
Also nice is the Brazilian Caipivodka or as we call them the Caipiroska in the Netherlands. The only difference with the Caipirinha is that you use vodka instead of cachaca. It is also one of my favorite cocktails and is widely consumed in Brazil.
Churrasco in Brazil. Party. Brazilian party music SUPER PARTY Extrema Outdoor - Eindhoven the craziest! Festival Tour: Inti Raymi - Peru Breda Jazz Festival October Festen Munich Pre-Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Reveillon in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday Samba in Lapa - Rio de Janeiro New Year in New York Las Fallas in Valencia Ad
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