Latest recipes Marinated Cod with beans and avocado ice cream with chocolate pastry bands, with quince and philadelphia pie (pudding) with spinach and seafood sauce with boneless oxtail parmentier potato salad with beans babi Perruquet with endive and cheese with vegetables vinaigrette and salmon tartare endive grilled asparagus with romesco peas stewed cod with ratatouille Tags
A test Alt Emporda 15 8 6 Salad Appetizer Appetizers 6 15 21 Hazelnuts Rice DOReus Cod 8 30 26 Mushrooms Pumpkin Pumpkin 6 9 11 Screws Beef Carpaccio 36 10 6 Artichoke Onion easy Cena 9 7 7 Chickpeas Cistercian Creams 9 10 15 Rabbit Kitchen with 17 xixorrites Starters Sweets 9 17 18 Easy Flour Noodles 6 9 12 France 16 Fruit Cheese Biscuit 6 8 10 Ice Italia Ivorra 8 6 9 espadrille kitchen cooking the scallops picard cooking calçot 10 11 9 The Cooking donuts Cooking with saucers 6 7 stews Cooking My cooking picard cod 20 My kitchen rabbit Segarra 15 42 10 Vegetables Seafood picard Butters compound 7 7 7 Mussels Shellfish and crustaceans 75 Christmas 45 9 Eggs Egg Pasta 8 13 21 Puff pastry tart Potatoes Fish 18 16 76 16 Chicken Desserts 65 15 Lent Recipes Sauces Ebro Delta 6 8 8 Tortillas 13 Vegetable stew Vegetables 6 39 15 Chocolate
Category: Meat Type of dish: Braised Season: spring summer autumn winter Difficulty: Easy Rating: 3/5 (1 reviews) Tags: Ingredients 4 pieces of ossobuco flour 1 cup white wine 1 cup beef broth 1 medium onion 4 -6 ripe tomatoes salt pepper a little grated lemon peel herbs
- We heat oil in a pan, meanwhile we floured pieces of meat as salt and pepper, when the oil is hot put the pieces and fry the garlic is golden and remove once the reserve. - Cut the small onion, fry the meantime we cut the tomatoes into cubes, when the onion is cooked add the diced tomatoes and let overlapping, how everything is cooked add the pinch of skin teaspoon grated lemon and herbs aromatic also add the white wine and broth and give some laps. - Take a deep pot, put the pieces of meat on the reserved sauce and add to the pan, lower the heat and cook for one hour at very slow fire and controlling non-stick.
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See all the chefs who still Latest recipes with Artichokes with clams lentils cuttlefish potatoes with rosemary bold Pop Cheesecake Pizza Pizza manchego cheese picard and chorizo sausage and pork dry chicken breast with lemon sauce trout zucchini, onion and chorizo Mussels picard with vegetables
Lydia Mar RSS feed. Last comments Artichokes with clams have rightly, what happens is that I have the habit of leaving before the water to avoid the sand. This ossobuco sauce ... Thank Quim, I note to prove it. As you discuss how it went apple tiramisu I've always liked the tiramisu classic and variant, see if we try it this weekend Potatoes important picard Hi John, This recipe is very good! Tip - The mortar you can fry the garlic a little earlier - A bite ... His best recipes Meatballs with Sauce Noodles with Vegetables ossobuco Chinese style grilled octopus picard salad with spinach and mango duck ham
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