Friday, March 27, 2015

Flax seeds can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, inflammation and triglycerides in t

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They contain antioxidants and lots of delicious fiber. An apple with the skin contains 20 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Apples reduce the risk of several types of cancer, heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes and stroke.
They contain vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants. Blueberries are rich in powerful antioxidants antocijanininom, which gives blueberries strong suit and ellagic acid, which interferes with the reproduction of cancer cells. Blueberries may help reduce the risk of breast cancer, bladder, hummus esophagus, hummus skin and lung cancer.
This spice is full of antioxidants, compounds that fight harmful free radicals. hummus Studies have shown that a very small amount of cinnamon (less than half a teaspoon a day) helps to lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes also decreases levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol. hummus
Other super spices that you can try are cloves, oregano, hummus turmeric, cumin and parsley. For super nutritious snack, combine chopped nuts, whole grains and dried apples. Sprinkle hummus with cinnamon.
Contains antioxidant flavanols. Different compounds in dark chocolate contribute to heart health by lowering blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, raise HDL (good) cholesterol and ensure a healthy blood flow. In addition, dark chocolate can help maintain hummus healthy blood sugar levels and improve the function of the kidneys, brain health and immune system.
They are rich in isoflavonoids, fiber and vitamins A and C. The pods of soybeans are a complete protein, making them an excellent choice for vegetarians. They help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and may help fight prostate cancer.
Flax seeds can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure, inflammation and triglycerides in the blood, can help prevent blood clots in the arteries. Some studies suggest that also can reduce the risk of some cancers.
It contains hummus a wide range of compounds, including quercetin, allicin, allyl sulfides. Garlic lowers the risk of cancer of the stomach, colon and rectum, and possibly other cancers. Studies also have shown that garlic can reduce blood sugar and insulin hummus levels.
Containing iron, zinc and calcium. It also contains heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids, more than most other fish, including salmon. Omega 3 fatty acids in oily fish reduces triglycerides, risk of stroke and heart attack, irregular heart beat in people who suffer from cardiovascular disease. hummus They also help slow the buildup of plaque in the arteries and lower blood pressure.
This cold drink quenches thirst and provides a variety of antioxidants, including catechin. Laboratory evidence shows that catechin in tea may reduce the risk of heart disease hummus and colon, liver, breast and prostate. The water in the ice tea helps you stay hydrated and reduce calories.
Other teas that are great choices are black tea and oolong tea. Both come from the same plant species as green tea, but because they are differently processed contain varying levels hummus of antioxidants. For example, green tea contains three times more catechins hummus than black tea.
Kale is rich in iron, calcium, folic acid, fiber, potassium and vitamins hummus A, C and K. The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin help eye health and reduce risk at the age of eye diseases. Vitamin A helps fight infection and maintains healthy hummus skin. It also contains a number of compounds that fight cancer. Lens
Fibers hummus in the lens and other legumes help lower blood cholesterol, especially LDL (bad) cholesterol. It also helps to maintain intestinal regularity, prevent the rise in blood sugar and reduce the risk of diverticulosis and several types of gastrointestinal cancer.
It is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamin D and protein. Calcium and vitamin D in milk protects hummus bones, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures hummus later in life. Milk also helps lower blood pressure. Vitamin D helps maintain

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