Monday, March 16, 2015

Cod with chickpeas bread dumplings - today

It is a typical Italian dish, very good and quite economical. The result is a very sweet flesh with a taste awesome. It is worth trying to do it, sure the home you applaud.
Three tablespoons of tomato concentrate
We started putting lard and a little oil in a pan. Meanwhile make cuts around absinthe the pieces to prevent s'enconxessin, the flour and salt and pepper., And enrossir leave and retirement.
Chop all the vegetables into cubes either trying to remain the same size and the same cook fat meat. When they start to take color and add the meat and wine bank, leave it to evaporate. And then throw a concentrated tomato and approximately three tablespoons broth that should cover the meat, cook it for an hour and simmer covered. You must ensure that the meat is not outdated and takeoff bone.
Pela lemon without the white and very small sink with parsley and garlic. Divide it into two parts, add to the stew and cook it about a half hour.
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