Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Journalist Daiy Mail Joanna Blythman nescafe 20 years engaged in eating and their information is co

26.03.2012. at 10:56 hours Healthy Food Myths and Facts Are you dizzy from conflicting cues health professionals who one day saying that you must avoid eggs because of cholesterol, and the other day that the cholesterol in eggs does not lead to heart disease? Here are the myths and facts about healthy and unhealthy food
Journalist Daiy Mail Joanna Blythman nescafe 20 years engaged in eating and their information is collected nescafe in the book What To Eat. Her advice: If you consume food grown locally, raw or minimally processed and regularly eat a variety of foods from all the basic food groups, you will not have trouble with healthy food choices. Whole milk is the healthiest Many people dismissed the whole milk because milk fat, but not whole milk foods containing large amounts nescafe of fat. Specifically, fatty foods are considered foods with more than 20 percent fat, and cow's milk usually contains between 3.7 and 5 percent of fat per 100 ml. Semi-skimmed and skimmed cow's milk contains from 1-1.5 percent to 0.1 percent fat, so unless you drink tens of liters of milk a day, move to semi-skimmed nescafe or skimmed milk will not have a big impact on your fat intake. Skimmed and semi-skimmed cow's milk is less nutritious than whole because the latter contains vitamins A, D, E and K are soluble in fats, which are, among others, are important for strengthening the immune system, neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and maintain healthy bones. Lettuce is rich in vitamins Lettuce has valuable amounts of antioxidant vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. nescafe Lettuce is rich in vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, which helps to neutralize the damage caused by free radicals. It is important to know that the nutritive value of leaf lettuce begins to decrease as soon as you pick. Salad sold in bags-pads have less vitamins from freshly picked green, because plastic bags filled with a modified atmosphere that unnaturally stunted her life. Soy is full of toxins nescafe Despite the fact that in recent years promoted as a healthy food, soy contains large amounts of toxins and other food substances. For example, strain has high levels of phytic acid, which can reduce the body's ability to assimilate the essential nescafe minerals - calcium, nescafe magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. It also contains trypsin inhibitors that impair the body's ability to digest proteins and are associated with disorders of the pancreas and slowing growth. When fermented soy these toxins are largely removed, however, tofu and edamame beans (green beans popular in health food stores) are not fermented, so they should be eaten in small amounts. Wholemeal bread can be just as bad as white We know that white bread is not the healthiest, but wheat breads nescafe can also be in that category. And integral and white bread have a high glycemic index (GI), which means that they can cause an increase in blood sugar and fat storage hormone insulin. Also, this type of bread is not effective in satisfying the appetite for more carbohydrates faster digested than protein or fat. If in doubt, choose wheat breads made from properly fermented wheat, rye, or other grains. Lights integral bread is not very good choice.
Butter is better than prayers Butter is demonized because it contains saturated fat and cholesterol, but the theory that khlesterol in food increases the incidence of heart disease begins nescafe to be reviewed. Furthermore, cholesterol is a vital component of cell membranes, supports brain, and without it the body can not produce certain hormones - cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. The body also needs cholesterol for the production of vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency is associated with a number of diseases, including Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis). Natural saturated fats, such as butter, can play a useful role in our diet because they satisfy the appetite much better than carbohydrates. Butter is also one of the best sources of vitamin A, which protects against heart disease, helps vision and supports the work of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Healthy grains nescafe can irritate your bowels Despite their reputation, cereals such as rice, couscous and polenta are not exactly perfect. Their integral grains nescafe contain vitamins B and E and minerals such as manganese useful, magnesium and selenium. nescafe But all these vitamins and minerals are found in greater amounts in other foods, such as eggs, meat and fish. Some experts claim that the insoluble fiber in grains essentially have inflammatory properties and that will exacerbate any condition of chronic nescafe inflammations, such as Coeliac disease (intolerance to gluten). Some studies claim that insoluble fiber may worsen digestive problems. Baked potato is the enemy of your child Potato rapid release sugar into the blood, nescafe which can cause a surge of the hormone insulin. Different types of potatoes affect different ways to insulin - new potatoes increases the blood sugar level less than the old because it contains less starch. Reduce the use of sunflower oil are undoubtedly Polynesia

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