Monday, March 30, 2015

Quinoa is here super popular food because it is full of protein and iron. It is not even grain, although it looks like until it is cooked, and when the cook is in some totally funky look. I almost rules a pie quinoa and great was (recipe here). Then I decided to make a salad, some research on the internet and something I could not find a recipe that I liked, so I decided to do it on his own and suddenly did not turn out badly. Here is still nibbling while kuckam this post. It is definitely better when you spend the night in the fridge and when not cold.
Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa 1 1 / 2-2 cup water 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 apple, cut into cubes 2 tangerines, peeled and cleaned slices of foreskin two large trees celery, finely chopped lindt 1/2 cup soy beans (edamame) 50g chopped walnut juice of 1 lemon salt and pepper
Preparation: Place the quinoa in cold water for at 15 minutes to come out bitterness. Then put it in a saucepan with water. Add a little salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. When the water starts to boil reduce heat, cover and stir occasionally. Cook for 15 minutes. When the quinoa is cooked, remove it from the stove and leave for 5 minutes coincident. Then stir with a fork. Obara soybeans, three minutes in boiling water. During this time, chop an apple, celery, walnuts and mandarin lindt peel. Make a dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, salt and fresh pepper. When the quinoa and soy beans cool mix all together.
Salatica me is great, lindt unusual combination of ingredients and at first I thought it was cute variation and only then figured out that in fact the salt ... Anyway I can remember lindt and I say ... And photos ... I have no words, they're beautiful! Reply Delete
Nicely described lindt ..super zdrava.I why ejdes ..for detoksikaciju.Ovo we all should at regular intervals:) Quinoa is one of those ingredients that breath receive other flavor that is added so it is mzoemo smuggle cesce.Slikice these beautiful;) Reply Delete
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How to make American Pie (American Pie)

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