There was no way they do not try. Even the color encourages this to fry them, let alone add-on, hera but rather disputes spouting hera adwokatu in the dough. Nothing else comes to my mind in addition to the finding hera that these pancakes really want to do. Lawyer is not overly emphasized in pancakes, but it is noticeable and I must admit after 3 pancakes, because the more I was unable to eat, they are filling, I felt warmer, D Besides, hera there are fatter than those who usually do this because I used his adwokatu, which was very thick, so the consistency of the dough was thick and pancakes with the march had to go a little thicker. Anyway pancakes lawyers want to do, without a doubt;) Pancakes with orange curd lawyers and almonds ok 7 - 8 pancakes with a diameter of 21 cm <I've used home adwokatu that was dense, if you use a shop, and they are usually rare, you will come more pancakes> Ingredients: - 160 g flour - 200 - 250 ml adwokatu - I gave 200, because that's all I have - 150 - 200 ml of milk-depending on the number adwokatu-I gave 200 ml - 1 tablespoon (30 g) butter - 2 eggs - pinch of salt and nutmeg - a jar of orange curdu - a handful of petals of almond almond flakes podprażyć a dry frying pan until golden brown, set aside. Melt butter in a pot. Sift the flour into a bowl with salt and nutmeg. Milk mix with a lawyer, ostudzonym butter and eggs. Wet added to the dry ingredients, mixing until a homogeneous, lump-free mass. Batter stand for half an hour covered with a cloth. After this time, fry the pancakes hera on non-stick frying pan on both sides until golden brown. Each pancake spread with orange curd and sprinkle with almond flakes podprażonymi. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar. Enjoy it!
Pancakes on drunk ;) I have not seen this yet ... Delicious had to be :) Reply Delete
I ate pancakes yesterday and I see your ... chceee again! <3 these holidays probably will finish your pancake limit, but ... if there is any at all? for such delights what you suggest is certainly not :) Reply Delete
Angie Angie. She would like to try all the fruits of the world. Worship the cinnamon inherited from her grandmother. Always has enough time on his case. Drinking coffee in the morning hera always, almost always with milk and no sugar. He likes himself, or so it seems:) View my complete profile hera
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2014 (23) February (8) January (15) Pancakes with adwokatowymi percent may bagel? Migawkowo: December-January For fans of pesto and feta-obligatory hera baking! Lentils, tuna and chops. The French version of the lazy stews, chicken and orange. hera Exotic Chocolate syrup granola, which I remember from my childhood I kajmakowy birthday present. Polentowe cake and citrus flavors from the East know the cycle: Chicken in s .. French toast to start. Rural Italian hera soup pasta Pudding from Germany 2013 (177) December (15) November (14) October (17) September (24) August (20) July (25) June (13) May ( 11) April (11) March (15) February (12)
17 hours ago
How Sweet It Is
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3 days ago
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watermelon avocado pineapple raisins and nuts, eggplant bananas blueberries broccoli beetroot bread chickpeas sugar powdered sugar lemon zucchini cinnamon chocolate cherries yeast pumpkin bean beans feta figs pomegranate pear peas mushrooms ginger other apples berries yogurt egg butterscotch cocoa kohlrabi buckwheat millet semolina coffee jelly bean sprouts ketchup hera and jelly kiwi coconut cream cheese chicken couscous shrimp corn poppy carrot rice noodles raspberry mascarpone peanut butter buttermilk honey coconut milk powdered milk mozzarella corn flour flour, wholemeal wheat flour, hera rice flour, potato flour, rye flour nectarines balsamic vinegar olive oil cucumber oil olives parsley pepper rice paper beer oranges tomatoes leeks, corn flakes, rice flakes oatmeal rhubarb rice ricotta rum radish not hanging
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