Owl is: "These pancakes wants them up and get them, even as czowiek already fed a daughter alone after not siga". Mj son opponent nalenikw Wdust them and ears trzsy him up. It's probably the best advice for this recipe. S really 65g delicious. With a clear conscience write that the best we have been doing. Sweet, miciutkie, beautifully fragrant. Although ez specified portion goes much nalenikw it is their far too mao :) The last three had been able to do me a picture. Really long time in hot recommend!!! Recipe from African blog bites.
The ingredients: (for 3 osbw our case 2 adults and 1 child but peacefully 2 eat without a problem) 2 cups flour 1 1/2 cups milk 2/3 cup sugar 6 eggs 1/4 cup melted weight 1 yeczka vanilla extract (DAAM 2 yeczki vanilla sugar) 1/4 - 1/2 yeczki gaki muszkatoowej pinch of salt oil for frying
Mark, gak, sift sugar isl. In a large bowl, stir together milk and eggs. Pour the eggs with the milk to the flour, mix, add the melted masoi mix again and the weight will talk. Inserting the lodwki cake for a minimum of hours, and preferably for the whole night (I will do the day before his).
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