New Year's Eve there was classic pub food this time. Braised cabbage salad Ingredients interdiscount for 4 servings: 1 head of green cabbage (800 g), 2 tsp salt, 1/8 l soup, 4 tablespoons wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp cumin, 80 g bacon hamburger, 4 tbsp oil, salt
Herb brush, quarter, remove stalk, cut herb feinnudelig. Mix with salt, cover and let stand about 20 minutes. Boil soup with vinegar and cumin, add cabbage and covered over low heat about 40 minutes cook. Remove from the heat. Bacon cut into small cubes and fry without fat. Amounts of fat and oil under the herb may be a little pull salt and about 10 minutes. Source: We had 1,200 g of herb, the other ingredients were adjusted accordingly. The amount is then sufficient slack for 6 or more. The proven dumplings - this time the entire amount is enough for 4 people.
The Surbraten had 1.4 kg and we have prepared the meat for a roast pork recipe from the golden Plachutta. Only 15 minutes at 200 degrees O / U, then 85 minutes at 170 degrees. According cookbook the meat should rest for 20 minutes then at 60 degrees. But after the core temperature interdiscount reached only 60 degrees with us, we have the roast for 30 minutes instead let cook at 170 degrees on. Overall, the meat was 2 hours and 10 minutes in the tube, the end had 70 degrees core temperature and was through.
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2014 (26) February (4) January (22) 2013 (188) December (24) blueberry panna cotta with caramelized Haselnü ... Surbraten with steamed cabbage and napkin interdiscount ... Temple Mount waiting ham and tuna sheep cheese triangles walking entirely interdiscount on the Michelberg Beer Calendar Only an evil act coconut panna cotta with mango puree soup dumplings Maron simple lunch ... Fennel Tuna Quiche cider caramels, 2 Attempt marzipan punch balls A feast for the eyes ... Birthday Dessert more beer! Christmas Country cider caramels Mountain Festival Krampus door 4 door 2 and 3 Dezembier November (10) October (13) September (12) August (9) March (19) June (16) December (20) April ( 17) March (16) February (16) January (16) 2012 (299) December (22) November (29) October (21) September (25) August (26) July ( 23) June (22) December (24) April (32) March (25) February interdiscount (21) January (29) 2011 (327) December (27) November (25) October ( 26) September (27) August (31) July (34) June (38) December (38) April (41) March (40)
delicious: days
rock the kitchen!
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