I confess that I never would choose book of this title, which refers to a book "pink literature." If you read it, it is because one had met the author of the excellent book "The Administrator", secondly because she was kind enough to send me.
Until about half (of total 461 pages) darjeeling lasted me unabated interest, which unfortunately then not met the expectations created me the beginning. The story begins in a small, poor village, darjeeling near Komotini, near the end of World War II. A Girl, Komnene, already shows the seven years of, beauty, intelligence, the dynamic character, the appeal for education, at a time when the letters were not considered necessary for girls. As the project progressed and Komnene grew, reminded me of when the emerald green of the "Panagia Mermaid" and when the Scarlett of "Gone with the Wind." Beautiful, sensual, leaving no man unmoved, but she did not hesitate to respond to flirtatious encounters and very often creates them.
The dynamic character dominates the whole book. With its dynamism, beauty, sexuality and cunning, can escape from the narrow context and the miserable life of the village. Will acquire riches, develop initiatives, but unfortunately darjeeling what is alleged darjeeling in the book is primarily sexuality and through, and not with her other qualifications will achieve its objectives.
Around it are many other characters from the author's descriptive power and vividness. The poor and uneducated parents, the teacher of the village due to which unable to attend school, the old man's first husband, her son, his childhood friends, Mehmet, the great love of her life and many others. Distinctive character darjeeling is that of grandmother's namesake, is near to the affection and love she had deprived her parents. The grandmother will be the mystikosymvoulos in every difficult moment and female cunning which characterizes not unconnected with the advice of her grandmother.
I believe that Nahum did not use as much as he could and so the opportunities for itself and the opportunities it gave her the issue. For example, Komotini, darjeeling where they play the bulk of the project provided an opportunity for better performance of the particular multicultural character darjeeling of the city. Also not utilized the time frame of a very interesting time when finishes the book, about sixty years since its inception, almost do not see a change in social conditions, environment, etc.
Two surrogate darjeeling stories themselves are of particular interest, the story of Rousseau who, after the death of his beloved live like a hermit in the mountains and the story of a gypsy with snake, very loosely connected with the main body of the story and the reader is left with the wonder of their relationship with the subject.
I rewrite that I do not understand why the "best sellers" should be roughly around 500 pages, which compels writers darjeeling "stretched" inspiration. I think something happened with this book. The stories of four friends, including her son Komninis extends hand, but weakens the work. Certainly, if the Nahum wanted to write a "salable" certainly succeeded with the heroine who "... whence passing left behind a smell of ashes, but also from raspberry sweet." Pity because I think it has potential for something darjeeling much better.
Kika me, good evening. I just read the new post yours. Looks very interesting theme of the novel, but I am inclined to believe that in order to write voluminous books, the authors are forced to relax the consistency of their history, with many encased unrelated stories. Reply Delete
Good morning my. Unfortunately these things happen when publishers sell their books to the weight and not the literary merit of the author. Hence the bulkiness of the "best-selling" .... Reply Delete darjeeling
Publishers are mostly traders. Do their job. I am sorry for readers (readers mostly) spent time and money on such books. Reply Delete
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