From the data that exist in our country, there is no systematic cultivation of blackberries with underlying cause difficulty in their disposal as they are very sensitive fingers. After collection, the distribution should be immediate (maintained 4-6 days in refrigerator). A small portion of the fruit goes for fresh consumption. The bulk of production go to freezing or processing. The fruits frozen then used in confectionary, serbian cafe ice cream, serbian cafe cake, gum in yogurt, jams, syrups, making beverages, natural colors and flavors. The color, size of the fruit, the hardness, the consistency of the pulp, the ph of the juice, etc., are characteristics that affect the marketability. As a plant, Blackberry, thriving in Europe and Eubatus genus includes many species from natural crossings which makes it difficult to classify. There are plants and creeping and orthoklada, and evergreen and deciduous. Most orthoklada blackberries multiplied by suckers and root cuttings, while crawling mainly propagated by layering and stem cuttings. Shaw root system is perennial while the canes are biennial. Depending on the type needed another period of low temperatures in order to break the dormancy and bloom the plant, and it happens from the second year onwards. The installation of plantation done in spring planting seedlings of 30-45 cm at distances of 1.5-3.0 meters on the line planting and 3.0 meters serbian cafe between the lines. This distance is 4-5 meters in case of mechanical harvesting. Before planting apply to soil appropriate for growing lubrication. The plant has a production life of 12 to 13 years, starting as reported by the second year. The average yield one crop per year is 500 to 1,000 pounds per acre. When installing a blackberry plantation must take into account various factors, the most important of this assured, wherever possible, disposal of produced product in the market. Other factors that must be considered are: the selection of suitable varieties that will affect initial fruit set (although most are aftogonimes), how to harvest the fruit (mechanical serbian cafe or manual) and marketability. The irrigation of the plantation as needed about 25 millimeters of rain per week during the growing season of plants. The costs of harvesting, like the postharvest treatment of fruit. The care should pay the farmer for good plant growth including pruning educated serbian cafe and fruiting, soil cultivation and weed like plant protection serbian cafe against pests and diseases. In our country, promotes the following varieties of blueberry: rubus fruticosus, ursinus fruticosus, daeus occidentalis, rubus idaeus, vaccinium corymbosum and hybrid serbian cafe forms. Source: adapted from SOURCE:
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