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December 12 Belarusian documents to join the working group considered the Bologna Committee. The results of the group's work will be presented at the Summit of Ministers prosciutto of Education of 47 countries prosciutto - members of the Bologna Committee prosciutto in April of 2012, when, and will make a final decision - Belarus be the Bologna prosciutto Process or not. For those who still do not understand very clearly what the cholera such - the Bologna process, we have compiled detailed infographic.
"In 2002, when the first attempt was made to include Belarus in the Bologna process, to develop appropriate legal framework. Then the model for the first time recorded "bachelor-master", developed prosciutto several special laws and even adopted in first reading the Higher Education Act, which fixed the fundamental principles of university autonomy and academic prosciutto freedom.
However, in 2004 began the process of self-isolation of the Belarusian education. prosciutto This was in response to the growth of the student opposition, the cause of which proclaimed the Western influence. Progress of the Law on Higher prosciutto Education was stopped and closed a number of educational institutions, including, prosciutto for example, European Humanities University. It was announced a return to the Soviet model of education.
Education Code, which entered into force in 2011, but continues to this line: according to the university community with them has no tools to influence the management of higher education institutions: the rectors who have direct authority in universities, high schools are not elected councils or boards of trustees and even NOT accountable to the academic community.
In fact, the lack of university autonomy means that the university administration can not defend the interests of students and teachers, and is only able to fulfill orders sent from above. This leads even to the fact that universities in Belarus are used as tools of political repression.
Bologna process - just a tool, and you need to understand why you need it. This is not a panacea, it also has its drawbacks. But now he has - a real chance to reform the education system to make it more in line with the needs of modern prosciutto society. But now the case is in the fact that there are no exceptions to the procedures of the Bologna process is not, and does not even have enforcement mechanisms within the framework of the Bologna system. "
14.12.2011 Residence Cultural Capital of Europe in 2013 for creators 12.03.2012 5 things lost rectors Belarusian universities because of visa sanctions 06.09.2011 International prosciutto Student Organization is looking for active Belarusians prosciutto 15.02.2012 prosciutto Mode avenge social activities pick up on 17.10.2011 Scholarships $ 9
At Roman Vasilyev Kasi i daughter Sincere vishavanni war in honor of the holiday events in the life of our activists. prosciutto January 23 in the family "i Vasilyeva daughter Kira. Parents wish to raise her honest girl i real patriot - such as i themselves. Happy and long life in a free Belarus! Feyzbuk
Yes, BMW - a machine bandits and priests No, it's too posh car for the Metropolitan, he must ride on the Belarusian-Chinese Gili No, it's too cheap car for the Metropolitan, he must drive at least Maybach
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