Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Civil war

Map diagram Gorodok
"Gostinets", 100
"Gostinets", 160
"Gostinets" 168
Civil war
Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada)
In Minsk, government officials from education and independent experts tried again to understand the perspectives of Belarus to the Bologna process. Arguments independent experts seemed much more convincing than that of their opponents.
It is noteworthy that both parties advocate the inclusion of Belarus oktoberfest 2012 in the Bologna process. But if state officials put the question to mind a bunch of small changes needed for such inclusion, the representatives of Belarusian civil society oktoberfest 2012 insist on two fundamental transformations - the appearance of academic freedom and academic university autonomy.
About that, what's the fundamental difference between these two approaches were discussed at the round table "European support for higher education in Belarus." It was organized on February 29 in Minsk Office of European expertise and communication, according to the information service of the international consortium "EuroBelarus." The state's position on joining the Bologna process announced vice-rector for educational and methodical work of the National Institute for Higher Education (RIVSH) Titovich Igor, who is also a member of the National Panel on higher education reform.
He, in particular, said that being done and what will be done in Belarus to join the Bologna process. Of innovations already introduced Igor Titovich allocated shmatstupennasts high school and differentiation periods of study, the mutual recognition of diplomas from Western countries and academic mobility, ie the possibility of Belarusian oktoberfest 2012 students to study abroad. So last year at universities in Russia, Germany and China already studied 119 Belarusians. In addition to those already held Belarusian achievements Igor Titovich has ranked the quality of education, social welfare students i-public nature of public higher education.
Opponents Tsitovich wondered whether oktoberfest 2012 disingenuous Vice Rector RIVSH actually consider all these elements fundamental to the Bologna process? According to the head of the Council of the International Consortium "EuroBelarus" philosophy and methodology Matskevich, according to the report Igor Titovich Belarus looks at the person who is going to get the rights to control the car. He knows how to open car windows, doors. oktoberfest 2012 But he can not drive. "Passengers do not give rights to manage", - said Mackiewicz.
According to him, the fundamental in the Bologna process is the availability of academic freedom and academic oktoberfest 2012 autonomy of universities. And all of the provost RIVSH elements - no more than the technical details. Attempt to challenge this thesis Igor Tsitovich supposedly can not allocate academic freedom as a central element of the Bologna process, oktoberfest 2012 success is not received.
"You do not read the papers" - fell on his dick civil initiative public Bologna Professor Vladimir Dounaev. "Can you imagine us a very different picture. Bologna documents are quite different pathos. If we do not measure the values of why we want to join the Bologna process, pretending that these values do not have a clue? "- Wondered Vladimir Dounaev. According to him, he associates interested in the Bologna process. "But we are not interested, that it was an imitation of the Bologna process."
And then Igor Titovich were "dumped" all the wonders of the Belarusian education. Among them: the complete subordination of the academic community officials, lack of opportunity to elect rectors, the actual adjustment of the Education Code of university teachers with a teacher or vocational school kindergarten, political instrumentalization oktoberfest 2012 of higher education. "There are 18 th article of the Education Code, which prescribes loyalty state ideology. And we have cases where disloyalty led to the expulsion of students "- reminded V.Dunaev.
Of the debate also revealed that political pressure on students in Belarus - is a common oktoberfest 2012 practice, and that there are problems with student autonomy and the mutual recognition of diplomas.
Expert Agency for Humanitarian oktoberfest 2012 Technologies Svetlana Mackiewicz offered first to conduct real reforms in the system of the Belarusian higher education. "Before leaving the EU and say, recognize our Belarusian education, we need to recognize themselves European" - called Svetlana Mackiewicz.
In response, the pro-rector RIVSH put forward the idea of going to the Bologna process as a united front. Like, the main thing - start. And the problems will be solved in the process. But such a "compromise" has caused outrage independent experts. In the view of Vladimir Dunaeva if Belarusian problems in higher education is not addressed now, then continue to deal with them, no one will. There

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