Friday, January 31, 2014

Supplement (5) Dips (5) Preserves (10) finger food (29) Fish and Seafood (12) Meat (41) Breakfast (

Saturday, the Grill was angeschmissen finally back. After various cakes and pies our guests and we after a long dry spell right appetite for steaks, sausages and Co. had to celebrate the day I made coleslaw com itself. And what can I say: it has more than paid off, he was the bomb. Tastes like the favorite Greek restaurant around the corner. No comparison to the extremely sweet and sour from the refrigerated section, we buy otherwise however. These few ingredients, perfect. One should not underestimate just the physical work, if you like I planed the coal by hand with a grater. On the idea of using the food processor, I am not come. Next time .... One the size of the cabbage com should com not underestimate the way. Even from a small head is a huge bowl! But the salad keeps loose a week in the refrigerator. Tastes com way too well in the dark variant with red cabbage. So, now on to the recipe.
First leaves of the cabbage layer disposed, then Strunk quarters. All with the grater around the shank around planing (cucumber slicer or food processor). The stalk discard. Onions also planing. All other ingredients to make a sauce stir until the sugar is somewhat com dissolved. Caution, mineral water foamed! Pour the sauce over the cabbage com mixture and stir briefly. Cover the herb in the bowl with a large plate or a plate and complain with canned food. Let stand at least 24 hours in a cool place, such as the hallway, balcony or basement. Sud pour and enjoy!
About Me
2014 (15) January (15) Savoy cabbage roulade cheese soup Cannelloni with Würzspinat and tuna coleslaw chocolate marshmallow cake birthday cake Stuffed peppers laab Namtok - Thai meat salad Topkapi casserole espresso cream with cherries and Amarettini Meatzza chicken with honey mustard sauce chorizo in red wine Fried Feta Green asparagus with Serrano ham 2013 (93) December (16) November (13) October (31) September (27) August (6)
Supplement (5) Dips (5) Preserves (10) finger food (29) Fish and Seafood (12) Meat (41) Breakfast (6) pastries (19) Beverages (2) Barbecue (2) Cakes (7) dessert (6) Pasta (6) Salad (9) Soups and Stews (7) Tapas (15) appetizer (11)
Cannelloni with tuna and Würzspinat
22 hours ago

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