Thursday, January 2, 2014

Serge Vorobiev, dude from Minnesota, experienced a painful divorce and decided to return to his ex-

Dude literally go crazy worrying about relationships. This guy seriously cream cheese frosting crazy and made the most bizarre and illogical act that I could imagine. Although I can imagine a more illogical actions, I turned down, but our hero can get exactly the proud title of "Sad disillusioned Dolby * B-2013."
Serge Vorobiev, dude from Minnesota, experienced a painful divorce and decided to return to his ex-wife by any means. He withdrew from his account $ 1,000, exchanged their smaller denominations and went to the mall, there to impress people and your ex-spouse. Pre our hero called his ex and appointed her to meet at the mall at a certain time.
But the act did not appreciate the police have that rolled-Serge fine and banned for a year closer to the mall. Oh yes, my wife did not come to this celebration of life. Hopefully it looked movie on Youtube. cream cheese frosting What man would do this act? He thought that she will be led by his generosity? That it is extremely original ... stupid? I do not know, dude, but suffer from the former - evil!
7 7
Accident involving a drunken Polish cream cheese frosting Santa
Fried shrimp with a creamy sauce
Male online magazine BroDude. No article cream cheese frosting or publication on this website may not be copied, published, distributed or used in any other way without the written consent BroDude or other legal owners of submissions on the site. Website contains material cream cheese frosting not intended for persons under 18 years. All rights to images and text belong to their authors. 2012-2013 BroDude

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