Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What are the advantages? Once Belarus will become a full member moussaka of the Bologna process for

Do we need to Bologna system? |
Bologna process: what is it? Bologna process - a process of convergence and harmonization of education systems in Europe. It aims to create a European Higher Education and the intensification of the European system of higher moussaka education worldwide. Bologna system of higher education was signed June 19, 1999 in Bologna (Italy), the Ministers of Education moussaka from 29 European countries. Ten key areas of the Bologna Process: 1. Adoption of a system generally understandable, comparable moussaka qualifications (degrees). Second Implementation dvyuhstupennay higher education system (Bachelor - Master). Third Application moussaka of a system of credits (academic credit), the amount of which depends on the amount moussaka of hours in the discipline moussaka and the curriculum reflected in the annex to the diploma, a sample of which was developed by UNESCO. Fourth Development of academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff. Fifth Mutual recognition of qualifications and relevant moussaka documents in the field of higher moussaka education, ensuring the autonomy of universities. Sixth Promotion of European cooperation moussaka in quality assurance in higher education. Seventh Learning throughout life. Eighth Enhancing the participation of universities and students in the development of the Bologna Process. Ninth Stronger European component in the system of higher education in Europe. Tenth Introduction doctorate in the general system of higher education (as a third-level) association of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area. Bologna system moussaka also includes changes in the levels of higher education. The system provides a three-level comparative degrees of higher education: moussaka First level - Bachelor's (degree of "Bachelor") The second level - Master's (degree of "Master") Third Level - Doctorate (degree of "Doctor of Philosophy") Currently Bologna moussaka higher education system already adopted 46 European countries except Belarus. According to the latest Ministry moussaka of Education of our country is going to take the Bologna system in February 2012. What awaits moussaka those who will receive moussaka higher education system after the adoption of the European model of education? What are the possible consequences and prospects of the Bologna system of higher education in Belarus? As is known, moussaka the coin has two sides. Let's think.
What are the advantages? Once Belarus will become a full member moussaka of the Bologna process for the Belarusian students opens multiple perspectives. The main one, of course, is to facilitate a job outside Belarus, thanks to the European moussaka standard diploma. This will allow employers to avoid confusion in the different ratings systems, which, in turn, increase loyalty to the graduates of Belarusian universities abroad. Another moussaka significant advantage is the free choice of subjects for students studying. moussaka Flexible approach to learning, it will allow students to virtually individualization to regulate the learning process. Another advantage of giving the European system of credits. After its introduction, students will be able to accumulate a certain number of credits to suspend their studies and restore it at will - that is, in fact, to learn throughout life, as do the inhabitants of Europe or America. In addition, Belarus' accession to the Bologna process will improve the image of the higher school of our country, which will become part of the European system of higher education. Also it should be noted that the signing of the Republic of Belarus Bologna higher education system will increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of our national education in the modern world. Moreover, the desire moussaka to monitor the processes of formation of the European moussaka space Belarusian scientists moussaka and teachers were great. Because it is through high school personnel formed a prospect under investigation, are the basics of technology. Over time, it became clear that the decision of the Bologna process are advisory in nature. That is, Belarus will be able to build their education on the basis of national interests, and the system of the Bologna Process will help us monitor the educational processes in space and participate in them. It involves the development of a specific educational policy in a democratic aspect, and the development of our national education system does not contradict these settings.
What are the disadvantages? Despite the convenience of a pan-European system of education, it has its disadvantages. For example, in St. Galenski University (Switzerland), the first, who moved to the new system, the majority of professors and associate professors do not hide that the reform had a negative impact on the educational process. Most significantly standardization study and introduction of credits (loans) hit on humanitarian offices. According to Russian experts in the field of education, joining the Bologna process can

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