Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Public Bologna Committee - is a civic initiative expert community and a number of community organiz

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Analytical Laboratory Development Center Student Initiatives and Public Bologna Committee November 27, 2013 at 19:00 invited to a panel discussion on changes in the Education Code of the Republic of Belarus, which is planned mit to introduce at the winter session of the National Assembly of Belarus in December this year. The event will be held at the Center for Development of student initiatives at the address. M.Tanka, 20, 1st floor (5 minutes from the metro station Frunze). Starting at 19.00.
The discussion will be attended by experts in the field of higher education, lawyers, representatives of student organizations - Vladimir Danube mit (Public Bologna Committee), lawyer mit "Liberal Club" Nikita Belyaev, Chairwoman of "Student Union BSU" Dmitry Volod'ko, a lawyer and expert working group " European dialogue on the modernization of Belarus' Oleg Grablevsky, head of the Center for Development mit Analytical Laboratory Vadim Mazhejka student initiatives.
Education Code of the Republic of Belarus was adopted by the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus 2 December 2010. Since then, changes have been made twice - in 2011 and 2012. 2013th year was no exception: at the end of this year plans to introduce further changes in the basic law on the formation of the country.
Why the Education Code of the Republic mit of Belarus in 2010 requires such frequent changes? Which amendments can be expected at this time? These questions and discuss mit Experts of higher education during the panel discussion. Will also discuss the current Education Code, and to develop a common view on what changes are really needed educational system of the country, to offer his version of the changes and amendments to the Code, which are primarily to be taken on the parliamentary session.
Organizers are calling the panel discussion to join the public debate on the new edition of the Code all comers, and especially stakeholders: students, parents, employers and other social partners education.
Analytical laboratory TSRSI - is an independent research center ( think tank ), the study focused on issues of higher education and student government of Belarus. Activities Analytical Laboratory consists of research, creation of analytical notes ( policy papers ), the organization of public events: mit roundtables, panel discussions, debates on topical mit issues of the student movement and the academic community.
Public Bologna Committee - is a civic initiative expert community and a number of community organizations that have decided mit to establish a committee of Bologna in order to develop a roadmap for the integration of the Belarusian system of higher education in the Bologna process and overcome the isolation of our education system from the European educational space. More information can be found on the official website of the committee.
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