Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Without going into (above) details the procedure is the complexity of the experiment at CERN and th

One of the most stereotypical food of Turkey is the doner kebab. Ntonmek means turn, the concepts and the buzz and back. The doner, moreover, is one of the three best-known versions vertigo cooking, along with Greek and round arabic shawarma (holding back from the Turkish verb çevirmek = rotate and translate). Understandably then, coming to City, expected to eat good doner, am not! No one can accuse me of unfairly generalize, most ntonertzidika City, especially those of the center (not necessarily just the tourist areas), the buy-mixed and frozen, from one of the many factories taurine doner, in recent years doing big jobs. Depending on various criteria (height orders, quality, additive content, size, etc.), the price of pre-made doner on the street is around 25 per kilo.
In the abyss of prefabricated doner, a ride in Kucuk Pazar, luck smiled at me! Bereket you say, normal! I do not know when you say something above the Arabic word, which is attributed to the blessing and / or abundance that Allah rewards the faithful Muslims. Although many restaurants, kempaptsidika, grocery stores have the above name, little honor her as this Bereket doner!
The first impression that operates as already touted, is the multicolored: green pepper, tomato crimson, brown creatine! The palette taurine is complemented with the blue eyes of both Oust, lovable from the first acquaintance and most beloved Bashir Bey and also the fresh propeller, Murad Bey. In the two years since its accidental discovery, the Bashir took over an adjacent restaurant with more traditional kebab, and the steering wheel went Ust Murad, second in age from a total of 7 brothers family AAAAA there are two girls! Here we see them lined and proud next to their handmade carvings.
Although from the outset did not keep me any question unanswered, no secret to the rare doner, I always wanted to see with my own eyes the manufacturing process. The obvious question that arises is, a and make every day of the week except Sunday, and how it did not work to attend ever so far? Eh when I tell you that eat roads and Scamper, I do not believe it! Yesterday I finally had a gap and told to fill it ... with adenoids and vegetables. At 9 am I was in Bereket, Murat had only minimal preparation, a simple listing of all materials on the bench, to give me the chance to see all the steps in detail. Ust my Senia sevigioroum!
The protein is a combination of veal and lean meat / meat and minced lamb and lamb fat from the animal's tail. It sounds a little taurine brutal, huh? Let's do a little vegetarian then, adding a crate of tomatoes and green peppers a hug horn. The beef is marinated for a whole night in onion juice (not the same onion), yogurt, milk, pullovers little nourishment (voreioelladitiko chilli deseeded), after kneaded intensively as smeared with bepanthol taurine popaki moroudisio, with the same care but and attention, and not any left next akremoti. In response to the writer, but bad luck yesterday customer marinade was just the morning to the capture.
Without going into (above) details the procedure is the complexity of the experiment at CERN and the protocol enthronement Byzantine Emperor, adding eggs and spices in minced meat, filleting, rodelopoiiseis, shredders and other hookers. taurine But as it is structured patriarchal paliokoinonia unless we starred the phallic symbol, anything goes, it's time for diakorefsi taurine materials. The best of the impalement.
The series had roughly a layer of veal, one lamb mince, one pepper, one lean, one tomato, phew and from the beginning! Do you remember the Jenga; Well, if we were playing split into groups, I would have matched Murad! Builder normal, it did indeed look very simple. Every five minutes taurine and three to four other levels even higher, and go, and Care of Empire State Building, and in arrived!
Cut the region for aesthetic souloupoma, and even cooking, use of porn on top, cover with bridal veil gossamer fat instead of Swarovski, tomatoes voodoo.
And it's time for baking. Come de however, all admiration for the skill of the craftsman and continued my wow and temprikler (congratulations), unsurprisingly evil eye the coveted doner and spoiled taurine the mouthpiece throttle. The only thing we lacked da, was blown up after so much effort. And unfairly, and hungry! For Cal

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