Thursday, May 1, 2014

Our travels India Cambodia Poland Portugal Sardinia fresh and easy Thailand Vietnam Cooking

The Golden Proportion Home recipe for Indian cheese paneer
Our travels India Cambodia Poland Portugal Sardinia fresh and easy Thailand Vietnam Cooking & Recipes directions India Thailand fresh and easy Italy the rest of the world to quickly spicy fish and seafood cheddar cheese feta gorgonzola fresh and easy parmesan fresh and easy fruits and vegetables spinach avocado hot chilli fresh and easy coriander olives pasta Healthy Lifestyle Write to us
Milk and lemon - only these two ingredients are needed to do the Indian cheese paneer. Paneer fresh and easy in various forms We ate in India. It is a major component of one of our favorite Indian dishes paneer tikka masala, fresh and easy which is a thick tomato hot sauce with vegetables and just the paneer. Tastes great in salads, on sandwiches or fried with spices. We did have paneer with garlic and dried fenugreek, today made its classical version.
The recipe is very simple. First boil the milk over medium heat. The fatter the milk, the better the cheese. We use rural, unpasteurized milk 4%, we buy them in mlekomacie. After boiling fresh and easy the milk, reduce heat, add to it the juice of a lemon and mix the whole time. For every liter of milk should add two tablespoons of lemon juice.
After a few moments, the milk should start to cut down, and the pot will be small lumps. When the milk has set, we remove the pot from the gas and cool it at room temperature. After cooling, pour the resulting mass through cheesecloth and lumps, withdraw from milk. Then the mold and wrap in cheesecloth paneer again and press something fresh and easy heavy for at least half an hour, allowing the cheese fresh and easy take shape.
Paneer has a very high potassium content of protein and a very low number fresh and easy of calories. Its taste can spice spices and herbs. Just add them drained during the formation of lumps of cheese. Paneer can be garlic, with hot peppers, chives, with any spice on how you feel on any given day.
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