Saturday, May 24, 2014

But ... there was never the same. Why: Because you can say what you wanna lie to yourself, and when

Souvlaki. A taste that defines the Greekness in your entirety. # Bourp Sagouarma rap. A taste that defines the migration in your entirety. # BRUAHHH If you Greeks, my lad, and you do not know what a Sagouarma rap, I envy you. But first let's look at the Loannolexiko and let's see what a shawarma wrap. Shawarma wrap: Think the worst skewer never ate the Lebanese version, replaced the pie with something like a tortilla pie, but hard as a cheap napkin A4 is more rather m&m than tissue m&m paper, put through boiling, stinking lamb or chicken and a tzatziki sauce, whipped in a blender, ointment phase, already m&m packed in thick garlic will make your pressure to drop to 0, swamp and anything chilli and something purple (!) pickles, and what comes out is a Sagouarma rap. Reader, I want you to make a statement through my heart and I want to convey as best I can. Originally I wrote in capitals, it did not work, I grew letters and I Boldea, did not work, I put red # kapout, nothing could give the emphasis so I will do everything together, hopefully m&m to convince. ASE weather, LOSS OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS. There's nothing more dramatically than the loss of PITOGYROU. (Finally I did and I put colorful little anterlain. # Tzitzi) Truth be told my reader! The late immigrant knows he will lose pitogyro when separated heaven and the Greeks migrated to new, icy, but wealthy, foreign places. Yes, dear! Before I left on September 5, 2009 # mera-penthus, I followed the ritual of separation to prepare. I went and crushed four pitogyra, as though if I ate all gathered will not sichainomouna and I'd like to see her again until Christmas. Alas! In the weeks that followed many Lebanese hosted me and I'd m&m get these, the, the, the sagouarma the, the, the sixamena that only confuse the thinking, the thought and synchistika # timalakas and put them in his mouth, m&m thinking it
But ... there was never the same. Why: Because you can say what you wanna lie to yourself, and when you caress the bad bitch you can think all you want Monica Bellucci, but as you swipe your eyebrows, as you close your eyes, as though to get grimaces forget the ugliness, as dark and opaque is the bag that will wear, eyes or light will open sometime beloved and you will realize the reality: IS Monica Bellucci. IT IS YOUR UGLY chick. Thessalonikio my reader may disagree about whether said pitogyro or skewer OTHER Below you will agree: THIS IS NOT bullshit SOUVLAKI NOR PITOGYRO Greeks reader, I think that has Varese migration in head and exaggerating??? Think paraeimai emotional to skewer? Consider the following scenario, because you've given the dishonest and the pitogyro not appreciate it as much as the need and appropriate, m&m I think. Suppose that tomorrow a really super bad, you know from those who are in the movies, is planning to ask for ransom from Greece and threatens xerogo that will wipe from the face of the earth skewer. Bouachacha ... I will sweep away the skewer if you do not give me 1 trillion euros. The result? Hell, Pictures VIVLIKES. CHAOS The Indignant will come out again in the Constitution, the Thessalonians and the Athenians would be indifferent to embrace the name, ready to join forces for the first time, will make Evagellatos Live Your sheets audience level Sorin Matei, m&m the bipartisan m&m government will again become tripartite , but what I say, it will be seven party, nor is wrong, we will have a non-partisan government to save the skewer, Samaras will make proclamation and Mitsotakis will cheirokrotaei moved to tears and the proud, Papandreou will leave Harvard to come to help with all his might, Venizelos will lose 20 pounds of unhappiness we would not get wind of what it klaein Main 250 pounds what 230 Tsipras would complain because m&m someone m&m Greek bloggers cried sagouarma and the need to strengthen the diversity, Uncle Fotis will be very sad but will not do anything because that's left of Responsibility is a bit of inertia, the Michaloliakos will organize sissytia m&m who will be handing Beans, lest we lose our connection with our other national dishes and therefore our national identity, Glowing will snagged why you say sit, "eh that popped super villain, lest the very spray, maybe confuse the crap I say reality?" Aleka will return to the party and accused Chapter because ... "why so", and even Merkel will upset my beloved, who will be forced to replace the beloved taste of something else.
I'm sure you agree with all the above and beloved understand how I feel the migration

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