Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why? - The reason that Polish law prohibits the sale of such goods to farmers. Polish farmer can no

Why? - The reason that Polish law prohibits the sale of such goods to farmers. Polish farmer can not legally sell strawberry jam captured on their own farm. Maybe it sell strawberry jura plants processing vegetables and fruits that do jam laced with syrup, glucose-fruktozowym, preservative potassium disorbinianem, flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate jura and smell and even a few other inventions ulepszającymi smell and taste our delicious strawberry jam "STRAIGHT FROM THE POLISH FARMER" .
Provisions prohibiting farmers selling jura their own products przelobbowały great companies producing jura foods that huddle on the property now. Polish farmer can not sell, for example, greenhouse cucumber wrapped in foil that was washed carrots, flour, cereal, meats, sauerkraut, lettuce in the film, mushrooms on a tray, jams, curds, butter or bread.
What is interesting in other EU countries such as France authorized the sale of food produced by farmers. In Poland, the farmer must set up a company to be able to legally sell cheese or fruit compote. It is noteworthy that among the EU countries, it is the country on the Vistula River is the most restrictive rules concerning the production of food.
Polish food is promoted as a healthy and environmentally friendly. Polish regulations, however, prevent the production of healthy food. It can not be in our country, farmers earn only big western corporations. Who took the money for it?
"The jura third step in tango is an introduction to the figures. Only the ingenuity of man depends on what happens now - whether he would go straight ahead or lead partner to lay the foot called cruzada, where one foot crosses the other. Starting from cruzady, you can dance just about anything "- jura Ruben Sotero, Fundamentals of Argentine tango Categories: Blog-All-Theme
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