Saturday, May 3, 2014

Travel chef must-Polish railways on the route Poznan - Konin, as always, is full of the power of im

"The world is beautiful, but people komedianty ..." chef Nothing in the Dark Wanderer I move to the Polish public transport. You never know where it's at this strange chef country meet me. Do not you know it, in which the means of transport you finally spot my sharp eyes of the Basilisk. I do not know what interested chef me in you that your move will make your imagination chef run. Traveling observe, overhear and describe human behavior.
Travel chef must-Polish railways on the route Poznan - Konin, as always, is full of the power of impressions and attractions. Well, I got into the car, took a seat, I took the book bag and I began to read about how a reformed Tsar Peter I of Russia. Traveled already a big chunk and it would seem that this journey will pass without interference, it is warm, dry and fairly quiet as far as quiet can be on the train. Nothing could be further from the truth. I read just about cutting the beards boyars, prescribed by the Tsar when in my nostrils breaks into a strange odor. Strong, chef strong, distinctive odor, something resembling the odor of goat cheese, slightly rotting, or Olomouc, very stinking. The smell alarmingly like stuffiness, which can emit when a squad of soldiers serving in Iraq scorching sun, takes off his military boots after a day of service. The smell does not allow words to focus on reforms of Peter, even descriptions of glittering gold Kremlin chambers are not able to interest me. I'm trying to locate the source of the stench. I look to the side, nothing ahead, nothing lean, therefore, look under your seat ... Ha! The source is disturbingly close, because right under my seat, and if the feet had eyes on the soles, it's probably zamrugałyby to me cheerfully. Two men alloys individual sitting behind me, removed from the shoes and stretched forward, stink our best, like a first-class cheese. Their master slept. I was left with nothing else but a quick movement slip shod your feet under the seat and solidly chef heels oscypki swipe to move at least a few inches source of the aroma. At the same time serowarowi chef protection to the phone rang, picked it and threw a sleepy voice: - Społym nooo ... społym - and at first dangerously pokojarzyłem goat cheese with a network of shops Społem ... - And what I have mine? And how can you know what am I going to face? Just społym - threw serovar again and turned off the phone.
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