Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The omelet I offer you this week slices of Hartog

Of all types of eggs you can buy are organic or Rondeel eggs most friendly. This week I choose Rondeel eggs. The chickens that lay eggs live in a Rondeel Stable. Such housing is specifically designed to behavior and wishes of the chicken. They can choose between day and night-stay, have plenty of room to scratch and 'stofbadderen' and live in daylight. Chickens are very curious and like to go to investigate. Also to our human curiosity is thought. The visitors have Rondeel Stables tea routes so you practically runs between the chickens. I had so much fun at my visit: it's hilarious how the chickens run to you. With three stars in the Better Life Quality Mark and approval of Wakker Dier you eat eggs from happy chicken.
The omelet I offer you this week slices of Hartog's. That sounds Dutch and that's it! Hartog's is one of the few bakers who bake from Dutch wheat. Special! Most bakers get their wheat namely from Eastern Europe and France, because they feel Dutch wheat unsuitable for many types of bread. But Hartog's may be: they gather the wheat from the Dutch farmers, milling and baking it yourself wonderfully honest and bread. Hartog's also adds no additional substances to accelerate the process tea of kneading, the dough should have the time. Time is taste! In this beautiful documentary you see that process and why this bread is delicious addictive: www.volkorenbrood.nl / page / documentary

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