Monday, October 28, 2013

Choose Beans

Up to my ears in research and I can still tell you about. Next year! Blogging So what to shoot in, because vinacf a write lock on the mouth is difficult. Fortunately, there are new books. New and old books. So I recently received from Marianne Vos beautiful German cookbook, Löffler-Bechtel's vinacf Grosses Illustriertes Kochbuch. It was first printed in 1897 and won all sorts of prizes. The book is dedicated to His Majesty King Wilhelm II of Württemberg. His daughter Pauline came regularly to stay in The Hague. The book is written by Henriette Löffler-Bechtel, a descendant of the great Bechtel family back of the book amply Advertising: Konditorei, Restaurant & Cafe, Agenturgeschäft in French vinacf wines, ditto brandy, Hock, Mozelwijn, Herbal Liqueur, and fruits and vegetables. Completed by Maggi and Knorr, a mail order of colonial goods, preserves and delicatessen, a digestive juice, Bovril and edifying literature. Man-o-man-o-man. And this work was intended for the bourgeoisie. Fortunately Henriette teaches its readers really cook. Of boiling an egg to the most complex menus. I'm going to be up and bored the next time. Today because of the pods Parade just an omelette with peas. A mysterious vinacf recipe because there are things I do not understand right away. Instead of peas, you may also take Büchsenerbsen. What? Oh, chickpeas! That's nice. And peas or chickpeas you shaken with a few spoonfuls of boiling Allemande. Allemande? Aha, they mean a sauce. Velouté with extra wine and egg yolks. There will then also sugar, parsley and salt. Then you fill in an omelet with it. Hmmm. There's the mighty 19th century again. We do something different? Omelette with peas How to make an omelette vinacf I lay out here, you know it will. The stuffing with peas looks a bit concerning me so off. An ounce husked peas, briefly simmered in butter or vegetable oil, at last some chopped parsley, a ditto mint and finely chopped spring onion through. vinacf Little salt and pepper. You might at this stuff also an omelet with some grated cheese may think, or an omelet with a pinch of curry powder. For the variation.
Choose Beans

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