Saturday, October 19, 2013

I had last feel like cooking and leafing through my recipes I came upon a meatloaf without meat. Th

I had last feel like cooking and leafing through my recipes I came upon a meatloaf without meat. The recipe was with coconut flour and as I longer want to do something with this kind of flour seemed to me this an excellent choice. Suitable, and also tricky. I live with a man who would, if possible, every day something xs of an animal eats, and the word vegetarian is he one very alert. Everything starts xs with a 'T' and ends with 'ofu' comes into the house. I personally do not need every night to eat meat or fish so last night I chose very exciting for veggie, xs namely xs a Spinach and cherry tomato loaf. Highly recommended! (If you want to go now also exciting to work: there is a next time I would do something more vegetables in an even more optimal ratio). I had also quite bold, own oven fries with sweet potato and some salad. It was delicious, and James after a bite its own omelette xs (according to him the best ever). xs The loaf was not a success, the chips he found it delicious. And I? I enjoyed my own cooking xs and was the fun I had more than enough about. For tonight I have lamb sausages on the menu, which always hit the spot. Sometimes you play it safe .....

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