6.11 Japanese maples
Prunus serrulata - pilovitá cherry, sakura
How would you like to have in your garden Japanese maple, which was named Rising Sun? Whether you create a Japanese-themed garden, or just have a love of Japanese maples, con look at this piece, which is one of the rarities. His name is Asahi Zuru and its peculiarities are irregularly variegated leaves. Most of the leaves on the bush has rich green color and size of the classic maple dlanitolistého, but a part of the leaves con is decorated with white and pink highlights, which appears irregularly and plant and adds an unusual appearance. Like every Japanese maple, this is a charming autumn color - Asahi Zuru is brilliantly red, as if ruby shines through the bright sun. Autumn colors on the leaves will last a long time. It grows slowly into a V-shape when it reaches a height of about 1.5 meters, new branches will begin to grow more sideways to the full maturity was wider by about half their height. You can grow in sun or part shade. Maples prefer acidic, light soil, moist and porous - not overwatering. Roots zamulčujte. Due to the smaller size is also suitable for small gardens and front yards. Fully hardy to -27 C. Normal height x width: 1.5-2.5mx 1.5-3m Leaves: deciduous broadleaf Size: Medium shrub leaf color: con mixed: green and pink and white Location: full sun to partial Belongs to categories: deciduous broadleaf
Index: Topics deciduous shrubs, CATEGORIES plants, encyclopedias deciduous shrubs, acer, Asahi, dlanitolistý, con maple, palmatum, Zuru, PROJECTS landscape architect, articles acer, Asahi, dlanitolistý, maple, palmatum, Zuru, forum acer, Asahi, dlanitolistý, maple, palmatum, Zuru, PHOTO GALLERY acer, Asahi, dlanitolistý, con maple, palmatum, Zuru, PHOTO GALLERY DF acer, Asahi, dlanitolistý, maple, palmatum, Zuru, INDEX OF ARTICLES: ACE ...
10 articles in this issue 1) Japanese maples (305 reads) 6.10 2013 8:29:31 p.m. For an even, golden October day, it seems as though Japanese maple leaves catch the sun's rays, so that then began to radiate into the surroundings themselves. The intensity with which the leaves change color is incredible. 2) Daphne - Daphne (2590 reads) 3.21 2013 12:10:04 Deciduous or evergreen shrub whose main decoration are fragrant flowers. The genus has about 50 species of shrubs skalkových to vigorous deciduous and evergreen trees. 3) Ornamental trees - Winter Surprise con (2745 reads) 1.24 2013 2:28:35 p.m. When congregated nowadays leaves and the snow, stand out trees and shrubs with interesting crown molding. And suddenly appear and charming details that are overlooked most of the season. 4) House and Tree (4196 reads) 1.24 2013 2:16:49 p.m. unites generations, con is the center of outdoor events and poetic natural objects in one. Household tree holds not only great strength, but also a lot of old stories. 5) Japanese maples (12684 reads) 6.11 2012 6:53:10 p.m. Japanese maple trees in our gardens deeply rooted Under the title "Japanese maple" should conceal type with scientifically as Acer japonicum and possibly its cultivars, but today is used for a wide group 6 total) Hedges - impenetrable and flowering ( 4833 readers) 26.09 2012 10:43:19 hedge may not be merely a visual shield: fences, flowering shrubs give the garden an attractive frame 7) air-layer (3745 reads) 6.25 2012 11:00:03 Some tree species can reproduce reliably using air layering, such as Japanese maples, rare plum, magnolia, rhododendrons. 8) Hedge - When and how many times shear (6954 reads) 6.19 2012 10:59:05 In order to hedge maintain the desired shape and was pretty dense, you need to regularly reach for the scissors. Most deciduous trees is cut twice a year, in late February and in June. These include hornbeam, barberry, 9) Acer palmatum - Maple dlanitolistý (4850 reads) 5.18 2012 10:51:13 Maple dlanitolistý stand out in a small garden in our latitude grows maple (Acer palmatum) con to a maximum con height of 4 m This property con - combined with a picturesque appearance - makes one 10 maple) Cut hedges (2,867 reads) 5.3 2012 11:13:48 hedges in the garden can take many forms. Hedges can be established con as totally impenetrable, in the form of hedges trimmed into a regular con shape. They may, however, also loose form, in for
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