Thursday, December 26, 2013

Journal information aaaa Time left 09 hours 13 minutes Current price 30 LJ Tokens Social capital 49

After the first time I got into a psychiatric hospital, and discharged through the Depression, and then quiet summer, I had to go back to university for a fifth course. Parents are asked to simply "study up, please, Mary. Get a degree aaaa in engineering, it is so important for us." Well, went back to the fifth year in a group which, in principle, suited to me in age, I came to sixteen. I had to drink a lot of tablets on which wildly sleepy. The first pair starts at 8:30. At seven I opened my eyes and crawled out of bed, and half an hour standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus. The bus slept forty minutes. Then came out about a university building, aaaa crossed the road and sit back on the bus and went home to sleep. aaaa Then woke up at noon and went to the third or fourth pair. Sometimes I still reached the first couple of lectures and listened with half-closed eyes. One teacher, who is also head of the chair, looked at me and asked: - Are you asleep? - No, - I tried to make round eyes and tried to fathom how the same way it is better to restore the wear sleeve. aaaa Certainly surfacing, then grind on the machine ... Oh, how interesting. Despite my giperobschitelnost since childhood, aaaa with a great desire to communicate and have a bunch of friends, this time on my new classmates I did not care. I just talked to an important teaching moments: take lectures, give lectures, take coursework, etc. And under the desk, I continued to read. My newly made friend, she is a young psychiatrist Irina E. told me that influenced it in his youth: it turns out, she read "Tender Is the Night" and Fitzgerald wanted to be a psychiatrist. I was incredibly interesting to read a book that affected someone's life. And I read it quietly, at the time, when I was told welding metals aaaa and other nonsense. Surprisingly, my presence on the course has not gone unnoticed aaaa by a young man. His name was Jack and he started me sleeping amoeba provide courtesies. By the time I realized aaaa that life - shit, and I first of all the loser. By the way, now I do not think so. And then here is realized and put on a cross. Punted and perspectives not seen. Therefore, the fact that Jack has me species came only when he explicitly said this. Eugene came to my home on Sunday to pick up the exchange rate. His mother has taken to the apartment, spent in my room and tactfully left us. We sat like two idiots in my bed at two different aaaa angles. aaaa - Here is the exchange rate, - I say. - Thank you, - says Eugene. Silent. I look at him, he looks at me. - Do you know who this Ron Hubbard? - After five minutes of silence aaaa sets Zhenya question slightly confuses me. - No. - He founded Scientology a religion. Tom Cruise is a big fan. - A - I say pointedly. Silent. I look at the aquarium, he looks at me. - I've never had a girlfriend - suddenly changing the subject Zhenya. And then I realize that I have never been a man, but I like that he is not ready to this report. - Can you be my girlfriend? - Jack, I have to think. Silent. I look at my socks, he looks at me. - Good. Only after the exams I'm going to the country aaaa and will fast for forty days, Jesus. - Jesus fasted? - This is the only thing that, stunned by such statements, I found the answer to his wife. - FAST. I want to know the essence of being. And what kind of books do you read in the lectures? "Tender Is the Night", a female romance? aaaa - Fitzgerald classic. Maybe you should not go hungry? - It is very important for understanding ourselves, we must starve. I thought you were reading a novel about sex. - It's aaaa not about sex - this awkward phrase we ended communication. Eugene took coursework still slightly paused, looked aaaa at me and left. After that conversation, I began to pay attention aaaa to Marry, more for the fact that to avoid meetings with him. And then, at a time when everyone wrote a diploma, Jack called me and said: - I was starving for forty days in the country. I only drank water and had sat in the center of the room in the lotus position and thinking about us. You know, your name represents the beginning and my end. And I realized that we were made for each other. aaaa I saw it, I had a vision. - You are mistaken, - I replied. We no longer communicate aaaa with Eugene. But when I met with Irina, a psychiatrist and my girlfriend in combination, I asked: "I've got a fan, but I turned him down. It looks nice, but a follower of Scientology and forty days on hunger strike. Correctly I done?". Ira said that I did the right thing. And she added: "It seems crazy. No. We do not need those."
Journal information aaaa Time left 09 hours 13 minutes Current price 30 LJ Tokens Social capital 49 Friends of Duration 24 hours Minimal stake 20 LJT View all available promo "Jewish Question" (SPOTLIGHT) olifant_olifant "To disperse talking about the Moscow Art Theatre. Theatre praised Heinrich and Mr. Burman said evasively that the USSR it as a Zionist, and more ...

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