Lots of information on the nutritional value of soybean found at Sante: 100g dried soy beans dostaracza about 385 calories. Its relatively high calorific value results from the high fat content (up to 20%). The high content of fat, however, countdown lowers the nutritional value of soy, because it contains large amounts countdown of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, the ratio of fatty acid mono-and polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids is much more favorable than in meat products. Soybeans also provides countdown vitamins and minerals. Among the noteworthy vitamins fairly high content of B vitamins (vitamin B1 in an amount of 0.690 mg/100 g product, B2 - 0.189 mg/100 g and the vitamin B6 - 0.81 mg/100 g of product). Portion 100 g dry seeds of soybean is also an excellent source of potassium (2132 mg), iron (8.9 mg), calcium (240 mg), magnesium (216 mg) and phosphorus (743 mg). For these components out 10 decent sized cookies. They are a good solution countdown not only to provide energy and satisfy hunger small, but also provide complete protein. At the beginning I approached for this experiment skeptical, but decided nevertheless to try and effect me satisfied :)
Soy leave flooded with water at night, koljnego day when the swell cook it in lightly salted water, but be careful countdown not to rozgotowała. For blender countdown toss all of the ingredients listed in the products. (Wait to cooked soybeans slightly przestygnęła that when mixed with egg protein is not coagulated), mix everything thoroughly and let stand for 10 minutes. Line a baking tray with baking paper, spoon impose portions of dough and smear in any shape. Bake at 180 degrees 25minut.
Cooperation and contact
poultry eggs veg takeout cookies and other baked pig / salad dessert fruit snacks additives niedietetyczne crazy Christmas Easter cakes cereal pasta pizza fish omelette cooperation with protein - for athletes homemade breads and rolls fast food cakes cupcakes / muffins bean milk pancakes waffles chickpeas seafood
Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (without razor and blending)
pineapple aubergine avocado beets blueberries broccoli beans camembert cane sugar zucchini chickpeas chocolate cinnamon apples fructose poultry beans eggs cauliflower kohlrabi cabbage countdown sauerkraut, buckwheat groats hulled millet kiwi Chinese noodles pasta peanut butter, honey carrots, corn flour flour, countdown wholemeal wheat flour bran, nuts, olives cucumber fruits seafood countdown parmesan pepper tenderloin tomatoes mushrooms popping Spelt flakes, barley flakes, oat flakes fish radish pork chop celery feta cheese, mozzarella cheese spinach, lentils, dried fruit strawberry curd vegetables to the pan smoked mackerel countdown grain amaranth countdown potatoes
2013 (229) December (11) November countdown (15) cottage cheese balls with no added sugar Blueberry Oatmeal cookies with chocolate biscuits Healthy Soy Spelt Pizza with smoked chicken, zucchini and m .. Salad with grilled chicken and arugula Healthy bite to eat, or soy nuts! :) Three component salty'' cookies'' Oat Baked pork chops with red lentils Diet spelled tortilla with pork, roast ... Spelt Pizza with broccoli and mushrooms with millet pancakes with roasted apples and mig ... Vegetarian lentil stew Mega crate from Sante! :) Lightweight oriental pork with vegetables and add-ons countdown ... Healthy turkey burger with olives and marinated pap ... October (14) September (14) August (20) July (29) June (23) May (8) April (24) March (71)
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