Monday, December 16, 2013

I see that a little bit of studying I was but I still have a few other pieces of the peas and mille

What do you think about growing soybeans instead of rape? Advantages: - price stability - min. nitrogen fertilization - min fungal diseases - min. pests - yield 2.5-3.5 t / ha Cons - poor protection herbicidal - yield 2.5-3.5 t / ha - timeliness in cultivation (sowing) - very important - buying - not enough points
I mean, I'm on the cultivation of soybean and rapeseed know as much or little I never alone that I did not have near the well no one sows, and I know very little. But I know that there are a lot of soy protein from what I remember something about 300g/kg, no cereal have as much protein. The area for me is the many kurnikarzy and they really appreciate and are looking chip kelly for soya as feed for chickens. Price for this is because I demand is, in Poland, this crop is not as widespread as abroad because domestic soybeans easy to sell. How do you get your equipment, especially seeder and harvester is definitely worth a try you sow and you will see how you go on that. Regards
I had to drop this year, but because of the field I took the lease was not sufficiently prepared it sowed winter wheat ... area must be equal, no stones ... because soybeans mows very low to the ground due to its low embedded pods.
Hmmm interesting topic. chip kelly And as if coming out of profitability, ie better to buy soybean meal (which costs quite a lot) or just sow yourself and ześrutować? Well, you're talking here about a suitable combine and drill ie, what?
forumowiczów Hello, I was on agricultural fairs kielce, beginning in 2013, was the stand of soybean seed, talked with the representatives, I guarantee receipt of any amount of soy in warumkiem purchase from them the seed. the curious, chip kelly the high content of protein, the price also fairly stable and high, I will try to sow in the spring we'll see what requirements have
(14-11-2013 8:22:18) kwiato5 wrote (a): hello forumowiczów, I was at the agricultural fair kielce, beginning in 2013, was the stand of soybean seed, talked with the representatives, I guarantee receipt of any amount of soy in warumkiem purchase seed with them. the curious, the high content of protein, the price also fairly stable and high, I will try to sow in the spring we'll see what requirements have if you want to plant soybeans is now before the winter you have to prepare the field, especially chip kelly to get rid of weeds, due to the fact that is not registered for soybean herbicide agents in our country, no, unless you will not elaborate ... This means to find
after winter wheat stubble squirted, then stubble cultivator and manure, then plowed deep, and the field waiting for us already au frosts today -6 C by the way means it's probably something chip kelly that the company probably tell I'll tell you later bearings as I find a book
I see that a little bit of studying I was but I still have a few other pieces of the peas and millet, so think of something, I zmieny jaskieś in the lead, because he still with us sow the same wheat rape beets.
Post: # 18 RE: Soy instead of Rape - profitable?
(15-11-2013 6:36:01 p.m.) damianus87 chip kelly wrote (a): with us one obsiał host this year's entire economy soy. jakiis week ago before the threshing, the weed was not so something had to Piping, but the details chip kelly do not know what @ damianus87 Your friend collected the Soybeans? How przestroił combine?
17-11-2013 2:09:10 p.m. kwiato5 Super Farmer Joined: Feb 2013 Posts: 616
(17-11-2013 7:41:53) Miki wrote (a): (15-11-2013 6:36:01 p.m.) damianus87 wrote (a): with us one obsiał host this year's entire economy soy. jakiis week ago before the threshing, the weed was not so something had to Piping, but the details do not know what @ damianus87 Your friend collected the Soybeans? How przestroił combine? I do not know the details because when threshing soybeans this is I was at work, if I will be with him saw it ask for details.
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