Here you can find many descriptions of medicinal plants and herbs that can help in many disease but also prevent the occurrence of the same, learn about healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Oatmeal Start your day with a dent pulp that is full of omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid and potassium. This food is also rich in fiber can lower levels of LDL or bad cholesterol and help keep arteries clear. Read roughly Oatmeal and a bowl with the remaining flour fill bananas and you will get a lot more fiber in your diet. Salmon Salmon is a food that is rich in omega-3 curry fatty acids, is very effective in lowering blood pressure and keep clotting. curry Aim for two servings per week, which may reduce your risk of getting a heart attack by as much as one-third. "Salmon contains the carotenoid astaxanthin, which is a very powerful curry antioxidant," says cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, author of "Lower Your Blood Pressure in 40 days". But be sure to choose wild salmon over farm-raised fish, which can be packed with insecticides, pesticides, and heavy metals. Not a fan of salmon? Other oily fish such as mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines will have the same effect on your heart as well as salmon. Avocado Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the health of your heart. Together with monounsaturated fat, avocados can help lower LDL and raising the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. "Avocados are awesome," says Sinatra - "It allows the absorption curry of other carotenoids and particularly beta-carotene and lycopene, which are essential for heart health . Olive oil Olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats, and reduces the level of LDL cholesterol. It also reduces the risk of developing heart disease. The results of research carried out in seven countries and which are accompanied by cardiovascular diseases worldwide, showed that most people in Crete has a predisposition for high cholesterol levels, and relatively few of them died of heart disease because their diet focused on fats that enhance heart health and we have them in olive oil. Look for extra virgin or virgin olive oil that is the least processed and use them instead of butter when cooking. Nuts Almonds, walnuts and macadamia nuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids and poliunsaturated. Almonds are rich in omega-3s acids while nuts increase fiber in the diet, says Dr. Sinatra. "And like olive oil, it is an excellent source of healthy fats," he adds. Berries curry Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and berries are full of anti-inflammatories, which reduce curry the risk of heart disease and cancer. curry "Blackberries and blueberries curry are especially great," says Sinatra that all berries are great for your vascular health. Legumes Fill up on fiber with lentils, chickpeas, and black and kidney beans. They're packed with omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and soluble fiber. Spinach Spinach can help keep your muscles in top shape thanks to lutein, folate, potassium, curry and fiber contained in it nalaze.Ali if you increase povrćnih plants in your diet will surely that will strengthen your heart and much more. In the health study involving more than 15,000 people with heart disease for a period of 12 years it has been proven that those who have taken a day of vegetables are produced with a meal or two as reduce the risk of these diseases by as much as 25%. Each additional serving in a day reduced risk by 17%. Flax seed lot of fiber and omega-3 fatty fat is in fine flax seeds and it can also help a lot in relation to heart disease. Fill Oatmeal and flax seeds for the healthiest breakfast at your heart. Soy Soy may lower cholesterol, and although it does not contain saturated curry fat, it's still a great source of protein that help the health of your heart. Look for natural sources of soy, such as edamame, tempeh, or organic soy. Soy milk is also great with Oatmeal curry or cereal. But watch the amount of salt in your soy: some types soye contain sodium, which raises blood pressure.
10 ways to reduce high blood tak (1) Acne (1) Allergic Sinusitis (1) Alpine roses (1) Anemia (1) Anise (1) Astragalus (1) Garlic (1) diseases of the eye (1) Heart disease (4 ) blueberries (2) Peach (1) Broccoli (1) pumpkin (1) Tea (5) diabetes (2) diabetic retinopathy (1) diets (1) Diabetes (2) diabetic disease (1) diets (1) partial impotence ( 1) Echinecea (1) Erectile Dysfunction (1) flu (1) Gift (1) Gout (2) Ginseng - Panax Ginseng (1) Glaucoma (1) Goldenseal (1) beans and peanuts (1) Greentea (1) flu ( 2) hemorrhoids (2) food for the kidneys (1) Food for the Heart (4) Impotence (1) Immunity (2) insulin (1) Coffee (2) Coffee (2) caffeine (1) Cholesterol (1) buckthorn (1) chronic constipation (1) blood (1) blackberries (
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