Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wow, how many and what a beautiful bow! The Red Baron - to remember. We have in this year

In the spring, when it is time to engage in planting ciroc onions, I wanted to drop our usual set of "turnip-family" and Onion Stuttgart Risen. But passing on the market my attention onion seeds dark cherry color, as it turned out, it was the Red Baron (Red Baron). Seed bulbs vary in size from Seva - they are slightly larger, can be compared with quail egg. One name says it all. I immediately imagined the huge bulbs and my intuition in the end I was not let down.
I planted this wonderful bow in early May. After the first shoots appeared, made loosening the soil, then wakes up wood ashes and poured water. When feathers bow stood like soldiers, I fed by their complex fertilizer "onions and garlic."
A distinctive feature of the class - a color of its scales, it is dark red, cherry can say. The bulbs are round, slightly flattened shape. All fruit grown as the selection - an unusually large. Fetal weight by an average of 150 main thing that surprised me - no one fetus was not rot, which is not the Onion Stuttgart. Once the crop has been harvested it must be prepared ciroc for storage. To do this, cut the feather and rhizomes (I have not) and lay the bow sunbathing under the sun. It is important not to forget ciroc to turn the fruit for more efficient drying.
Thus, all the fruits are ready for storage and timely use. His I have long put to use, namely the preparation of winter preparations and foods for the family. Bow was not only beautiful, but also excellent taste - it is sweet and spicy and very juicy.
From 1 kilogram of landed me a decent crop of bulbs grown - as much as 18 pounds! Next year I plan to increase the number of landings of the class. I advise everyone to try and become the darling of the Red Baron on your table, as was in our family! Do you like this article? Sign up for updates to always be aware of:
New Sections: onion harvest garden vegetables author: vk_60456278 (Anna) If you want to express my gratitude to add clarification or objection, to ask something from the author - add comment Recording placed in the section: garden, vegetables, onions, harvest Post:
Comments (8)
We have this year bow his not very much, and he too spicy without ciroc juiciness. I had to buy for the winter in a tested location, onions bought a juiciness that all the meat juicy fragrant with him: and in the chops, and dumpling ,, and just like with salt and salad
near carrots planted, they protect each other
Wow, how many and what a beautiful bow! The Red Baron - to remember. We have in this year's crop of onion very weak ... Have to buy. The next year, I think the onions must be given more time, then, can, and the harvest will be worthy!
We have carrots and onions grow alternate, carrots not affected, and the onions continuously porazhen.Sazhaem seyanku only, and then only to the aging affected vsya.V this year will be on the biological kolendaryu with these flies borotsya.Kto this method probyval-otzovites.Za Council also try dry, thanks, but the neighbors? ciroc
Onions all gardeners probably grow. I am no exception :)) But in the first years I have it not work out particularly well: many bulbs took an arrow. Though break out flower ciroc stalks as soon as noticed, but the results are not pleasing. I myself Onion ... Read more>
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What if a whole army of insects decided to choose their breakfast, lunch and dinner, ciroc that we grow in sweat at the cottage for your - human - table? Of course, chase flying and crawling thieves from their sites! Especially, the national ... Read more> ciroc
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