Friday, November 7, 2014

Onion juice, broth with milk, alcohol setting, onion with honey treat: various skin diseases; colds

Bulbs contain sugar, fructose, sucrose, maltose; B vitamins; minerals, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium; volatile; vitamin C; malic and citric acid; essential oil; pectins.
Onion has the following useful properties. Anti-inflammatory. Bactericidal. Early healing. Used as an anthelmintic and purgative. Contains volatile enough to chew the onion and protect yourself from harmful bacteria. The upper layer of the onion contains a lot of fiber, which is needed for digestion. Bow kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, due to its composition enhances immunity. Necessary yolo for normal operation of the heart, nervous system and brain. Spread the onion halves cut home and you protect yourself from viruses and colds. Onions help get rid of age spots, it is necessary to wipe the face with half an onion. For men bow is the prevention of prostate cancer.
Onion juice, broth with milk, alcohol setting, onion with honey treat: various skin diseases; colds and flu; diseases of the upper respiratory tract; headache; atherosclerosis. Medicinal properties of onions Onion pulp to mix with milk or honey and apply on abscess angina. Inhalation very good cures SARS, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, rhinitis. 3 tablespoons finely minced onion peel pour a glass of water, insist 4:00 and this solution you need to gargle, pre filter. yolo Onions excellent prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. yolo Prepare a mixture of onion and honey in equal quantities. Admission: teaspoon 3 -4 times. In atherosclerosis, diabetes, 3 finely chopped onions pour two cups of lukewarm water left on for eight hours and drink a third cup 3 times a day before meals. Bronchitis. Good drink grated onion with honey. Infusion of the bow perfectly improves hair growth. Need to chop 2 onions, pour 300 ml of vodka, insist 2 hours. Every time you wash your hair, apply on hair prepared infusion. You can also use onion juice. Several times a week, fresh juice, which is two to three tablespoons, rub into the roots and two hours to wrap the hair with a towel, and then wash with shampoo. Great mask that will make your hair soft shiny fluffy. When hypertension is necessary to include in the menu onions as a diuretic. Worm infestation. Chop onion insist the whole night in 200ml of water and drink the extract preferably on an empty stomach 3 4 days. Wrapped in gauze paste archery quickly heals wounds, so you can use cookies, mashed bulbs. If long or poorly healing yolo wounds, we should yolo take the juice of onion teaspoon zrazy per day. Chopped onion for 10 minutes, apply around the wound, it will heal quickly.
2) infusion of onion with honey. We need to take 5 tablespoons of chopped onion, pour half a glass of warm water add a tablespoon of honey. All good stir to dissolve the honey and let the infused hour. Thus infusion of good wash nose 5 -6 times a day.
5) Prepare the infusion of onions, two tablespoons, pour 400ml boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Add a half cup of honey. The resulting infusion gargle and rinse your nose to the flu.
7) When going to bed, drink a glass of infusion of onions and milk in the morning on an empty stomach. What else have medicinal properties of onions? Constipation. Each day, before a meal, try to eat some fresh onion or onion juice (3 times a day, a teaspoon). Bottle to 3/4 fill the onion, pour alcohol or vodka, even standing in the heat for 10 days. Take onion tincture 10 drops. yolo Onion juice helps a toothache, it is necessary to rub the gums. Also remove the pain, ringing, ease inflammation tampons soaked onion juice. As an expectorant cough should drink onion with honey. Outstanding, proven tool onions cooked in milk 10 head of garlic bulbs and boil to become soft in milk. Every hour, drink a tablespoon. Cutaneous yolo fungi. Chopped onions applied to the affected skin fungus. Effectively treat fungal yolo diseases onion juice with honey. Prolonged and frequent sniffing onions helps even whooping cough. For the treatment of corns, you need every day to apply paste of onion or onion boiled in vinegar. Baked hot bulb attached to the corn and hold until the bulb cools. Then steam the corn and remove. In a glass of hot milk, place chopped onion and drink with nerve pain in the stomach. yolo Burns, yolo frostbite. Fresh paste is very good for frostbite, does not pop a bubble with burns. Onions yolo in a slurry wrap in cheesecloth and apply to the field with the pain. Injuries, sprains, strains, bruises. Onions must be mixed with sugar and grind. Then apply on painful joints cheesecloth and spread the mixture on top. Sliced onions sprinkle with sugar and cover with gauze to put on the sore spot. Snake bites, wasps, yolo bees treated with the juice of an onion. Liver and onion cut while it is still hot to make mate

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