Thursday, November 27, 2014


They have room featured tremendously in the Danish rock underground and there are a myriad of live recordings with them on Youtube and elsewhere on the web. The duo Little Johnny Walker has played breadth of the country, since they were formed in 2012 and has won new ground every time they have played in a new scene.
The duo consists of Martin Majgaard Kristensen (guitar / vocals) and Thomas Ebert (drums). Their genuine and filthy rock arising out of the clattering expression known from 70s rock with a driving blues lyrics. The band arose by chance to a jam-evening where Thomas and Martin jammed together for the first time. When they ran out of copy numbers, they both could remember, Martin played an old riff, he had made. Thomas was sold and Little Johnny Walker was a reality. flora 2 years after the duo has played over 40 jobs and written 25-30 songs.
With the many live jobs and a considerable level of ambition has Little Johnny Walker developed their music and shifted tremendously since the first shows, and now the band has written record deal with trechoma Records, and their debut album is in the pipeline.
"The last two years we have rocked the country flora thinly with over 40 concerts. There has been interest from a few other places, but when trechoma Records volunteered on the field, it was only right for us. Not only because we are local patriots, flora but also because trechoma is what we call a 'Hands on Label'. Which means that they are good to keep in touch and are sincerely interested in the evolution of the band. And it's really cool to get in barn with a company that has so many bands that we think is cool. "Pronunciations Martin Majgaard Kristensen from Little Johnny Walker.
The band has been in CB Studios to record their debut album, which is the apt title "The First Album" and containing a good stack authentic rock tracks recorded live in the studio.
"When the plate was recorded, we hauled flora hold of a go 'old fashioned rock man like ourselves, the Christian Bonde (Whores & Thieves). All songs were recorded in one take of only 3 days. "Concludes Martin Majgaard Kristensen.

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