Sunday, November 2, 2014

Another point in the issue of how to plant onions for the winter - a preparation of planting materi

How to plant onions for winter | My favorite summer residence
Weeding Agrotechnics style selection cultivate a garden plot Actinidia Grapes behind the candelabra Vysokovitaminnye Gumi plant Honeysuckle Kalina Seabuckthorn Rowan Rosehip Decorative edible culture japonica Irga Chokeberry stone fruit Apricot Cherry Plum Shrub Culture Red currant Gooseberry Raspberry Blackcurrant pome Apple Plants Agapanthus ageratum Aglaonema Adenium Alokaziya Amaryllis Araucaria Hydrangea Pomegranate Guava Graptopetalum Grevillea Guzman Davallia Dizigoteka Dipladeniya Dieffenbachia Cacti Care without the hassle of Phalaenopsis Landscaping Lawn Elements cottage landscape Alpine hill News Equipment cottages Useful tips Pond own hands Preparation for construction Pond construction Recipes domestic preparations behind the candelabra Jams and syrups Biennials Garden flowers Pansies Fine Privet shrubs japonica Weigel Hydrangea Daphne Bloodroot Oregon behind the candelabra Grape Almond Lilac Rhododendron Rose Spirea Forsythia chubushnik Liana honeysuckle Siberian knyazhiki Bulbous and tuberous plants Anemone and Begonia tuber ranunkulyus Crocuses Dahlias Gladiolus Lily Perennials Aconitum Arunkus Aquilegia Astilbe Astra Badan Cornflowers Windswept Delphinium Irises Knifofiya Bells Globe-Daylily meadowsweet Lupin Mallow Hellebore Stonecrop Primrose Rogers Daisy Rudbeckia Phlox Jacob's Ladder Hosta Eremurus Annuals Chrysanthemum Aster Antirrhinum Petunia plants in a garden Eggplant Green and spicy taste plants basil bitter salads Qatran Lovage Marjoram Melissa Mint borage spicy salad Rhubarb Lettuce Celery Thyme Horseradish Dill Fennel Sorrel Spinach Grains and Legumes Beans Peas Corn Sunflower Soya Beans Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Kohlrabi Ornamental Cabbage Leaf cabbage savoy cabbage behind the candelabra Cauliflower Potatoes Chinese magnolia vine Baga Daikon Carrot Root Parsley root Radishes Radish Turnip Beet Celery root Scorzonera Stahis Jerusalem Artichoke Onions and garlic Garlic Luke Pepper Rare culture Pepino Sunberry physalis strawberry Tomato Pumpkin cultures Watermelon Melon Squash Kavbuz Lagenaria Cucumber tladianta Pumpkin Fertilizers for garden greenhouses Productive Types Using greenhouses greenhouses greenhouses Covering Location and layout designs of greenhouses Types Conifers Cedar Spruce Pine Juniper Thuja
The determining factor is the variety of onion that you have selected for planting. Special recommendations for selecting varieties of onions for planting under no winter, after any suitable zoned local varieties. Exceptions are heat-loving southern varieties - they can not survive the winter. Traditionally for planting onion varieties under winter use Bessonovskiy, Danilov, Stuttgart, Strigunovsky, Arzamas, and so on. However, behind the candelabra the market still sell peresortitsu - meet and rounded onions, and long, and red, and white. Planting material, which is grown from seed in our latitudes, behind the candelabra adapted to local conditions, behind the candelabra so not much difference.
The second important point in the question of how to plant onions before winter properly, behind the candelabra is the choice of landing sites. Any fundamental principles that distinguish the autumn planting of spring onions, no. Thus, the soil should be loose (dense clay soils are not suitable) and have a neutral reaction. The place should be well lit, without shading, and freely ventilated. Only one detail is important - onions should be planted where snow spring coming early and uniformly, and the water does not stagnate. Excess moisture in the spring is the worst enemy of all bulbous plants.
As for the optimum period for planting onions for the winter, then the middle belt is preferred behind the candelabra from 5 to 20 October. Certainly, this is not a small range, because the weather can surprise - in the past year, for example, we have in this period lay the snow, and by November it all melted.
This is what I am - the classic recommendation behind the candelabra is the theory, and solve each year need yourself. It is important to put in time - if hurry, before the frost onion time to take root and even give green sprouts, then you can forget about a good spring crop. If you fall behind with planting, sevok not have time to form roots to severe frosts, behind the candelabra and will simply be stored behind the candelabra in the ground until spring. Of course, in this case the benefits will also be reduced to zero.
This year I planted onions just this week to coincide with freezing. Now the cold, but I still planted in warm earth. At the end of next week, according to the forecast behind the candelabra will thaw, and my onions have time to take root.
Another point in the issue of how to plant onions for the winter - a preparation of planting material. Some recommend before planting soak in a solution of potassium behind the candelabra permanganate Onion and then to dry. Decontamination will be superfluous, but personally I prefer to plant before winter behind the candelabra sevok dry. Of course, it will germinate after soaking, but the weather had on

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