Types of diabetes nutrition in diabetes diet Vegetables Fruits Nuts Treatment Traditional methods Precarious Insulin Therapy Complications Diagnostic Tests Glucometers Acetone Indicators Blood Sugar Sitemap
About the unique healing abilities of onion was known in antiquity. Today the official medicine supports coolinarika this approach, calling this extremely useful vegetable foods containing large amounts of vitamins and trace elements.
Taste good, low cost and ease of preparation has long taught us to use a bow in the daily diet. In addition to the traditional use as an additive to various coolinarika dishes and a salad out of it, you can cook yourself dishes, desserts, a great side dish. For therapeutic purposes, is used as the husk. Benefits of onion in diabetes
The composition includes vitamin PP, A, Group B, C, malic acid, acetic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Minimum calorie, almost complete lack of fats and proteins - another coolinarika significant plus for all the people watching their weight and the number of carbs eaten.
Specific property to reduce blood sugar noticed by the ancient healers, they assigned wards diabetics diet with high content of useful product in the diet. This effect is explained by the presence of allicin. This material reduces the need for insulin and improve cell hormone perception.
Vegetables (especially red varieties) coolinarika contains copper and iron, which are easily absorbed by the body, without causing strain on the troubled pancreas. Thus sulfur, nickel insulinoproizvodnoy help restore organ function.
Is an excellent means of preventing colds, due to active fitantsidam, putrid and destroying pathogens. Ok activates the body's defenses and prolongs youth, being a powerful natural antioxidant. How to use a bow for diabetes?
Folk medicine recommends diabetes onion peel. To do this, pour a glass of clean husks hot (not boiling) water and insist coolinarika 7-8 hours in a thermos. Take tincture before meals (for 30 minutes) 1/3 cup.
Bow useful and after heat treatment. It can be eaten raw, cook, stew, bake, broil. Especially useful coolinarika roasted vegetables. Thus, for the preparation of a tasty side dish you can just bake in the oven in foil cut some fruit greased with olive oil. Another option - baking at high temperature coolinarika directly in the husk.
Juice from vegetables can be used for filling of finished dishes to make them more pronounced taste. Also good to use beautiful pieces of chopped onions for processing any recipe. Green shoots are very useful, but the content of valuable substances somewhat inferior turnip.
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Find the cause of type 1 diabetes 03/14/2014 Reviewed coolinarika 1
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