Sunday, July 27, 2014

There are all kinds of versions of Rice Krispies cakes but that I

Rice Krispies jam cake that my mom always made for us siblings is probably the best thing I do. I had forgotten it but would then leave it and baked for 1 year birthday Bergs Flames and after there was no turning back. Without being exaggerating then I baked this every day for a year after that! Do not think that I've got a way it after that year, not at all, I just started to think a little jam more about your health and then had that love to depart!
There are all kinds of versions of Rice Krispies cakes but that I'm going to show you a recipe with cream, banana and caramel on top. And yes ... I always use Cocoa Pops / Cocoa Rice Krispies instead of Rice Krispies for the one is not enough chocolate flavor for sælkerann ;-)
Method: Pipp caramel, chocolate, butter and syrup put together in a pot and melt gently. When it is all melted together in the pot removal of heat and Cocoa Pops-area stirred with. Then you slam the contents of the pot on a cake plate and into the refrigerator for approx. half an hour. (It is possible to develop this as you want, for example, heart, round or put in muffin form for children).
Method: The cream is whipped and placed on the cake, followed by bananas doors are cut down and attack. This is the way I did in the picture above but I usually Stamping death almost the same with the cream and then put on the cake or do nana died first on the cake and then the cream. Tastes just like all the different eye ...
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