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Food giant Nestle will no longer buy palm oil from the Indonesian producer Sinar Mas, on charges of destroying rain forests and pollute the environment. By Julie Ring-Hansen Holt March 18, 2010 at. 18:17
Dutch Unilever, which has also dropped the supplier and Nestle have both been criticized by Greenpeace for their purchases of palm oil in Indonesia, the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, surpassed only by China and the United States.
A very important reason for the high CO2 emissions are clearing and burning of the Indonesian rain forest and drainage of peatlands on Sumatra, Java and Borneo, dinner ideas which happens to pave the way for oil palm plantations.
Nestle points out that the company only bought dinner ideas palm of Sinar Mas in connection with production in Indonesia, but the company now will contact its other suppliers to ensure that they have understood Nestlé claims that the production of palm oil may not be associated with deforestation.
A chief of the Indonesian company denies the allegations of "climate vandalism", as Greenpeace have argued against Sinar Mas. Director Daud Dharsono says that the company ever since 1980, worked 'responsible'.
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This is not true. Nestlé buys palm oil from Sinar still Mas through third parties, such as the food producer Cargill. Greenpeace's report shows that even though they want to cancel it directly with Sinar Mas, then use the still palm oil extracted in Indonesia through third-party vendors.
Regardless of how Nestlé look at it, it becomes nothing more than spin. There will continue to be palm oil in Kitkat extracted from plantations in Indonesia which has the orangutan and rainforest life on his conscience.
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