Friday, July 11, 2014

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CONTENTS Home About Blog / AUTHOR TABLE-calorie foods culinary terms of weight PHOTO GREECE FOOD Cooking Horoscope OUR HOME SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS beast TRAVEL TIPS NEW TO HAPPY MOMENT
Ingredients: flour - 3 cups (can be a bit more) eggs - 2 pcs powdered sugar - 1 cup butter vfckj - 185 g vanilla - 1 pc. Method: 1.Saharnuyu powder mixed with melted butter, then add eggs and vanilla, mix well. 2.Postepenno sift the flour, stirring first wooden spoon and then knead the dough by hand 3.Sobrat dough into a ball, close the foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 4.Razdelit dough into 14 equal pieces, roll into balls and flatten out slightly palm. 5.Vypekat at 180 degrees for 20-25 minut.Verh cookies should not browned, should remain bright. RS usually in the middle of the cookie and make recess recess is filled with egg yolk. I somehow did not really .....
Great, useful, tasty dish that I can cook all year round and the winter and summer, as we have no problem with vegetables. Sach ...
Experimenting with the dough, shape, I'm sure it will add your experience and you will see the final result, and have fun at the same time on ...
Alcoholic drinks Biscuits Pancakes Potato dishes Pasta dishes Poultry dishes puff pastry dishes cheese dishes meat and egg dishes and cheese Beans Quick and Easy Dumplings Eastern Jam Kitchen Baking Baking yeast dough puff pastry. Greek cuisine desserts Jewish Cuisine Appetizers Breakfast Casseroles Italian pai cuisine Caucasian cuisine Cocktails Candy Korean Ice Cream cakes Manta Meat dishes pai Beverages not all about cooking: awards Unsweet baking dish vegetable fritters Nuts Biscuits Easter Entrees Pigodi useful and tasty Lenten dishes seasonings Fish Salads sweet Baking Sauces Soups Cheese Cakes Fruit Bread Baking Figured Cold soups
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