Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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Click on http://www.gerber.com/public/default.aspx write colic drops in search. This post should actually be about BioGaias Q1 report that we got on Friday. But then I looked over Gerber's website and saw that they had put BioGaias ProTectis drops as in the United States will be called GERBER Soothe - Colic Drops on their website. According BioGaia should GERBER Soothe - Colic Drops only officially launched in the U.S. in June. So I think since it is positive to Gerber are so eager that they've already put the product on the website. But on Gerber launches filet mignon now or in June, completely unimportant. For after years of waiting, it seems that the sale of BioGaias bestseller finally really get started in the United States. When Gerber is the most famous baby food brand in the United filet mignon States, I hope to Gerber and thus BioGaia succeed product deserves. If we look at the economic filet mignon aspects of this launch, it will not be dull reading. If we based BioGaias annual report 2013 which indicate sales forecasts for a few countries, we can get an idea of how large the potential filet mignon is in the United States. In Sweden, which sold 1.7 bottle per newborn and in Croatia 1.5 bottle per newborn. We know from the past that in Finland are now sold 2 bottle per newborn. In the U.S., approximately. born between 4.1 -4.3 million. every year. So in my calculations, I generally use 4.2 million. newborns per year. Since BioGaia never officially announced their prices for BioGaia Drops to their partners, I will use the same prices as Danish bank use in their BioGaia analyzes. I am now fully agree with the price per bottle is 30-35 million as Danish bank indicates, so I think that my forecasts hits reasonably well. Based on other countries' sales figures might future sales in the United States look like. sc = Swedish kronor. 4.2 million. times 0.5 bottle per newborn. Sales at 30 skr: 63.mio skr. Sales at 35 skr: 73.5 million SEK. 4.2 million. times 1 bottle per newborn. Sales at 30 SEK: 126 million SEK. Sales at 35 Skr 147 million filet mignon SEK. 4.2 million. times 1.5 bottle per newborn. Sales at 30 SEK: 189 million filet mignon SEK. Sales at 35 Skr 220 million SEK. 4.2 million. times 2 bottle per newborn. Sales at 30 SEK: 252 million SEK. Sales at 35 SEK: 294 million SEK. Given that consumer finished products from April 2012 until March 2013 had revenues totaling 248 million. skr. Can anyone see why this launch will be as interesting to follow. 2 bottles per newborn and BioGaia can double sales within consumer filet mignon finished filet mignon products. Well, surely you're allowed to dream not :-). Then there was the Q1 report last Friday and it lived to large parts up to my expectations. I am a little disappointed with sales in Japan. I was expecting a turnover of 5 million. in Japan. It was 2.1 million. Keeping in mind the great work BioGaia Japan is for the day it can only be a matter of when sales in Japan really filet mignon starts to rise. Until then, we BioGaia shareholders a lot of other things filet mignon to look forward to. As a very rough we can look forward to 10 per share in dividends. which of course is not bad. In addition, I expect soon to see some results from HP studies. filet mignon Later this year, we can expect typ 2 diabetes study, not to mention a number of new agreements. We should also soon hear something in cooperation with SCA?. Yes, we have much to look forward to ...
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