Thursday, July 31, 2014

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receives mares Sunday July 6 (and also later) in nýgirtri stallions fence Mýnesi - a great country with a shelter of naturals hand. Ash is exceptionally well developed (145 cm stangarmál), motion beautiful and classy collishop 3 year old stud first prize parents (Hrönn from Hoskuldsstadir and Hauk from Langahlíð). Further information is available in Marietta: 8577726/4756786 Langahlíð-stallions have proven successful in our culture, this is a fascinating example, half brother member at the Askur ahead Hrönn from Hoskuldsstadir dream of Langahlíð who is doing well in Switzerland.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

LFI 29 jl. 2014 15:27

Vsir - LFI mlir me, Travis Eliot and EOnline breakfast club
If you are looking for an exciting yoga experience online, fashion-related topics or want to monitor closely celebrities these communication media for you. Life compiled some interesting sites worth a look in detail. Bloggers Elle Ferguson breakfast club and Tash Sefton Australian girlfriends Elle Ferguson and Tash Sefton share a passion for fashion and lifestyle and decided to create a blog after spending a lot of time to fill each other's e-mail account of pictures for inspiration. They are both with your fingers on the pulse in terms of fashion and use a blog to communicate breakfast club them to interested readers. Exciting blog is full of pictures of fashionable clothing and other beautiful to the eye.
Facebook Travis Eliot He's not just hörkuformi and preaches love and inner peace. Travis Eliot is a yoga teacher who has become a prominent North American. Facebook page of his causes you to want to do better breakfast club today than yesterday and start living healthier lives. He regularly publishes videos of yoga exercises but for short he urged his fans to leave a note to get in shape for summer with hard exercises for the stomach area. Instagram EOnline / EOnline Get the latest gossip from Hollywood directly into a vein by observing gossip medium E! on Instagram. They are very active on Instagram and "behind-the-scenes" photos from the interviews, and red carpet of the stars appear every day. Fun entertainment for daily use.
Pinterest Fosshotel-Around Iceland Follow designers from the Academy graduates who will in the coming breakfast club weeks faced warrior in design since they convert rooms at Fosshotel Lind in Reykjavik. Four double team work to re-design approved in four rooms. For those interested, you can monitor the process of Pinterest-page project.
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Monday, July 28, 2014

Icelandic Museum Day on Sunday 13th July and the country

Home News Annual Reports Collection Activities tissues Icelandic safnaverðlaunin 2002 A Brief History of Folk Árnesinga Charter Folk Folk Museum Studies General Studies Archaeological excavations Registration collections Contemporary Research Other Maritime Museums in the snow Þuríðarbúð Stokkseyri old creamery history hall, Why "The House"? Residents and owners of the house in the snow in The Piano in the House informative
Icelandic Museum Day on Sunday 13th July and the country's museums offer their visitors the extra welcome to call attention to the diverse how to make french toast activities of collecting. In the snow leading historian Eyrún Ingadóttir history walk the paths Þórdís Símonardóttir midwife and the walk begins at Regional Folk Museum in the basement. 14 o'clock. The special exhibition light on the tray in the dining hall, and based on the book Ear midwife. Free will in Regional Folk Museum and Maritime Museum on the occasion. The house can still be able to view the show script all the way home as the cooperation of the Árni Magnússon Institute. At the Maritime Museum's permanent exhibits as well as photographic how to make french toast instruction from snow in summer and exhibiting blue like the sea. At the exhibition should be considered a collection of blue artefacts how to make french toast from all over the Árnessýsla who were caught up from the storage library. Old creamery will be open like other weekends in July and August between 13-18 and there is an entrance how to make french toast fee 500 - Þuríðarbúð always stands open to all. Museum Day should be world travelers how to make french toast and people motivation to give particular attention to collections.
Larry spotted how to make french toast Crowd Mann lapse Larry Spotted Crow Mann in The House in the snow Safnadagurinn 2014 - Söguganga and free access Blue like the sea Midsummer festival in the snow 2014 Open every day in summer, open in the spring at center

Maybe we can all be considered örblætlar inside cookpad the bone but holy object can also reach suc

Now is the time to consider a little about quality. Tint is kjarngóð translation cookpad Veturliði Guðnason the English word fetish but recently I heard word formation blætill had about the person who has or receives blætis from hagyrtu crafts wife Lily Erla Adam's daughter.
Most probably the quality of their talent to see sexappíl in more than the obvious. Tights cookpad turn verðbréfasalanum my friend, a kindergarten teacher in Grafarholt becomes obsessed lust when she spins the cream and the head teacher in the suburbs listening to Phil Collins rises it usually flesh. What they have in common to live a decent sex without tights or a cream or a mummy or a blower Phil Collins while and can therefore hardly be considered blætlar with blætlum.
Maybe we can all be considered örblætlar inside cookpad the bone but holy object can also reach such heights cookpad bleed generator needs a holy object to his holding to sexual stimulation and can even have little or no interest in fleshly games without it. The late nineteenth century scholars were interested in blætlum and veil, defined the phenomenon as pathological anomalies and by 2013 it was created as a special geðgreining the manual of psychiatry, namely cookpad diagnostic code 302.81 in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psyciatric Association 1994). cookpad DSM-5, released in May 2013 and the change in the analysis cookpad related to the so-called "sexual deviations" (ie paraphilias) must now include the individual experience sálarlega anguish beyond cookpad that caused by social attitudes or "deviation "implies sálarlega anguish, coercion, cookpad injury or death of another person or activity with a person who can not give informed consent. It is easy to imagine that it is more restrictive that can not orgasm unless cookpad otherwise be dressed / s in rubber bib or counterparty speak Klingon just a while. Let us also remember that until 1974 homosexuality was considered a mental illness under the same manual. Disease definition cookpad of a holy object assumes that an individual cookpad has in the last six months experienced repeated sexual stimulation, desires and activities related to the dead parts, it caused distress or interfere with his / her life and specifically noted that these dead things can not be confined to a woman's cookpad garment or vibrator (!). For those interested on the analysis and the "medical" side blætis I point out in the article section Grjótharður found their by your sincerity.
People do not agree on the causes ... many people cookpad mentioned that events or conditions in childhood can cause the brain to form a strong relationship between objects and sexual stimulation while others will mean that it gets further in adolescence cookpad and is associated with the masturbation. Sigmund Freud is so naturally with the most interesting approach, because according to him the holy object stems from unconscious fear of men with genital her mother and their general fear of castration and that the mother had had Tippi who was been cut off!
The treatment according to Freud was, of course, psychoanalysis today is further talk of cognitive behavioral therapy. I want to stress that this refers to those who are socially inhibited and eats anguish because blætis but not those who have dulítið smáblæti and may experience sufficient lust with or without. Fortunately, it is usually the case, and I have it first hand that Icelandic psychiatrists spend exactly no time to heal holy object at this time.
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Search Search What's new Tall women - lower men licking pussy What should my book be called? Flirt Ragga and Smart Land Comments Photo from Channel sexual being two words kinks ... on Grjótharður found their touch and blætlar | R ... on Grjótharður found their minis Hans Jonsson on promiscuity to the rescue? Select Category Men Women Man Magasin Similarly Sex Interviews cookpad Vlogg
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

There are all kinds of versions of Rice Krispies cakes but that I

Rice Krispies jam cake that my mom always made for us siblings is probably the best thing I do. I had forgotten it but would then leave it and baked for 1 year birthday Bergs Flames and after there was no turning back. Without being exaggerating then I baked this every day for a year after that! Do not think that I've got a way it after that year, not at all, I just started to think a little jam more about your health and then had that love to depart!
There are all kinds of versions of Rice Krispies cakes but that I'm going to show you a recipe with cream, banana and caramel on top. And yes ... I always use Cocoa Pops / Cocoa Rice Krispies instead of Rice Krispies for the one is not enough chocolate flavor for sælkerann ;-)
Method: Pipp caramel, chocolate, butter and syrup put together in a pot and melt gently. When it is all melted together in the pot removal of heat and Cocoa Pops-area stirred with. Then you slam the contents of the pot on a cake plate and into the refrigerator for approx. half an hour. (It is possible to develop this as you want, for example, heart, round or put in muffin form for children).
Method: The cream is whipped and placed on the cake, followed by bananas doors are cut down and attack. This is the way I did in the picture above but I usually Stamping death almost the same with the cream and then put on the cake or do nana died first on the cake and then the cream. Tastes just like all the different eye ...
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Saturday, July 26, 2014

All content green coffee on is free, no ads on the site and no personal information is

Home About UT Square Forums innovative use of ICT Job Communities Strategy green coffee Lifelong Tool Bank Archives Blog Sites Events Educational Shops February 6 Educational Shops 21. November Educational Shops 7. November Educational Shops 31. October Fall 2013 Workshop in Language Teaching Pinterest Contact
Go to ... Home About UT Square Forums - New Features - Using ICT - Calling Communities - Strategic Planning - Lifelong learning - Tool Bank Archives Blog Sites Events - Educational Shops February 6 - Educational Shops 21. November - Educate Shops 7. November - Educate Shops 31. October - Fall 2013 Workshop Tutorials - Pinterest in language contact
Awards Web with meaningful learning games for 4-8 year olds is leikjavefur for 4-8 year olds. On the web, there are thirteen games that stimulate literacy in the mother tongue, green coffee mathematics, green coffee and also suitable for special education. One game, however, about Internet security. Also on the site more than 80 worksheets to be printed. The games creator and owner of gaming website is Anna Margret Olafsdottir preschool in Nóaborg. green coffee Many of the games are developed in partnership with children and based on the popular game content that Ms Anna has prepared a nursery.
All content green coffee on is free, no ads on the site and no personal information is collected about users. Importance is placed on a secure network environment for children. SAFT is a partner in Iceland.
Award for best netting green coffee for children in Europe on global security day February 11, 2014 won first prize in the competition for the best content green coffee online for children in the competition held by INSAFE, green coffee collaborative European network of Safer Internet program green coffee the EU and the European school network. Over 1,100 projects from 26 countries participated in the competition green coffee in which prizes were awarded in four categories. won the award in the category of non-published for commercial purposes. You can play games in nine languages. Most users come from Iceland and Denmark origination in three games that were developed for the Swedish children with support from NordPlus green coffee - sprog and Culture. All work on the site has been based on grants from NordPlus - sprog and Culture, Children Vinafélaginu Sumargjöf, Ministry of Education through co málátak, Human Rights Council of the City of Reykjavik, FL Science and FSL Development Fund and materials.
Also on iPad Organizers have also implemented two games of the web for the iPad and they are available in the AppStore. Previous game called Pattern Puzzle Game and has been very well received, green coffee including foreign web media that specialize in coverage of special education materials. The game is called Magic Paxel Shape Pictures. The third game is expected in the coming weeks but there is a game named Retrieve web form is developed and prepared in collaboration with six five-year-old children in kindergarten green coffee Nóaborg. The children drew include figures used in the game.
Latest comments Open web seminars in the field of change implementation and positive green coffee psychology | Plan-B green coffee Change of MOOC - open web seminars on ICT Innovation Square | UT-Torg on Pinterest in language Innovative ICT Square green coffee | UT-Torg's Tutorial Welcome to the Information Technology Nonoba! | UT-Torg on What makes UT Square? Bjarndís Violet Jónsdóttir's Workshop - using ICT in the classroom
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Dr. Gráinne Conole: Crossing boundaries: spaces, places and contexts of learning The development green coffee of distance education in Australia discussion and workshops on teaching in information and dissemination, jafnréttisstoðina the curriculum and the integration of gender perspectives Educational Shops - Educamp

Friday, July 25, 2014

More news from Golf1: July. 25, 2014 | 22:45 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): retention 3rd day of July. 25,

The top 25 of Tour money list in 2013 received their cards on the PGA Tour season 2013-2014. Today will be presented the last of the guys lucky 25, ie the one who won, ie ranked first on the money list, finishing 1st place, 2013 season, but it's Michael Putnam.
Putnam was involved in Tour Finals as all of the top 25, by lasagne Tour money list, is available on the Tour Finals, for improved position and won again ie occurred lasagne in the first place, took alslemm and could really do nothing else but recovered some amazing 1st place success.
He has played at Nation Wide (now lasagne Tour since 2006 ie for 8 years, lasagne with breaks when he has been good enough to hook up the desired card on the PGA Tour. He had 2, 2 seat performance including one match where he lost in a playoff Rheem Classic tournament. Putnam was 17th on the money list and took advantage of the first in his card on the PGA Tour in 2007. He became the year of 158 on the money list and played lasagne it back on the Nationwide Tour in 2008. He played there until 2010 When he was 24th on the money list and got back his card on the PGA Tour for the 2011 season. Again Putnam was low on the money or the 153 seats and had to play again on the Nationwide Tour until 2012 when the name of the tournament was changed to Tour. In the league, he worked ie was the first on the money list and is now back on the PGA Tour after having been voted player of the year at
More news from Golf1: July. 25, 2014 | 22:45 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): retention 3rd day of July. 25, 2014 | 21:30 Fannar Ingi 13 seats e. 2nd day of European Young Masters July. 25, 2014 | 20:45 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): President 5 strokes from getting the cut! July. 25, 2014 | 19:45 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): Supplier of James in the lead at half the Iceland on 8 under par! July. 25, 2014 | 18:30 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): Ólafía Anspach and Ragnhild lead women's after 2nd day stroke play at The National in July. 25, 2014 | 18:00 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5) - Íslandsmótið lasagne in stroke play with GKG Day 2 July 25, 2014 - Myndasería July. 25, 2014 | 16:00 Birthday Golfer of the Day: Cheyenne Woods - July 25, 2014 July. 25, 2014 | 11:00 LET: Sberbank Ladies Masters starting today July. 25, 2014 | 10:36 European Tour: Horsey winner at half-M2 Russian Open daily early July. 25, 2014 | 10:00 PGA: Petrovic and Putnam share 1st place e. 1 day RBC Canadian Open July. 25, 2014 | 08:00 Rickie Fowler confident in the U.S. Ryder Cup team in July. 24, 2014 | 22:30 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): retention time 2nd day of July. 24, 2014 | 22:00 Eimskip Tour 2014 (5): President GSI completed lap 1 over par on 9 July. 24, 2014 | 21:00 Champions Tour: Langer first place e. Day 1 of Senior British Open e. ring a 65 hit!!! July. 24, 2014 | 20:00 Gudmundur Oddsson: Lets dream of fair weather and crowd at The National
The weather in Golf Arnarholt Court Ásbyrgi Court Bárarvöllur Byggðarholt Court Dalbúi museum Court Ekkjufell lasagne Court Garðavöllur Glanni Court Grafarholt Court Grænanes Court Gufudal Court Hagavöllur Hamar Court Haukadal lasagne Court Lithend Court Hlíðavöllur Holmsvollur Hólsvöllur Húsafell Court Húsatóftir Court Hvaleyrarvöllur Jaðarsvöllur Kálfatjarnar Court Katla Court Kirkjuból Court Kiðjaberg Court crust Ulf Local Court Krossdal Court Leirdalsvöllur Medalsdalsskard Court Nesvöllur Öndverðarnes Reykholtsdal Court seal Court Setberg Court Silfurnesvöllur Strand Court Svarfhólsvöllur Tungudalsvöllur Urriði Court Úthlíð lasagne Westman Court wick Court Þorláks Court Thverá Court
GOLF1 - Web of golf and relevant content - Sally Jónsdóttir

Saturday, July 19, 2014

dieticheskoe.domashnee homemade oatmeal cookies oatmeal cookies without butter homemade oatmeal coo

Home About Us News Armenia Bali Vietnam Egypt Georgia Greece Israel Italy Latvia pizza dough recipe UAE Cambodia China Portugal Russia Syria Thailand Tunisia Turkey United States France pizza dough recipe Czech Republic South Africa Japan Our videos Culinary Travel Activities Fishing Tours and excursions Bargain Collections Polls Contact
At the time of my childhood was better goodies than oatmeal cookies with milk. But even the most quality product does not go to any comparison with homemade pizza dough recipe cakes. I always wanted to pamper pizza dough recipe your family detstva.Interneta of cookies at the time was not yet, recipes copied from each other, but oatmeal cookies none of my friends pizza dough recipe do not bake. But, as is often the case, the case helped. Returned once the train from Belarus "Minsk-Moscow". It was Saturday, nakonune some national holiday - half empty wagon, coupe in the two of us. Met, chatted about this and that. Lyubov Ivanovna, a pensioner from Vitebsk, was a great culinary experience. pizza dough recipe That shared retseptikom. For many years, I bake this simple but extremely tasty cookies. Girlfriend of Bamberg (Bavaria) estimated pastries and now she treats her friends.
Melt 200 g margarine, add 2 Whisk eggs, 1/3 teaspoon baking soda, lemon juice repaid (or vinegar), 1.5 cups sugar, 2 cups flour 3 cups rolled oats (preferably extra - cookies will be softer). This is a classic recipe, and I add 1/2 cup crushed walnuts. All mixed and spoon are laid out on a greased baking sheet, leaving 1 cm intervals, as dough when baking "fit" and the cookies may stick together. Bake in the preheated pizza dough recipe oven, until golden brown.
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Friday, July 18, 2014

Dishes in the oven dishes mushrooms Meat Dishes Vegetable Dishes Fish and seafood dishes dough Food

Other main dishes and side dishes dishes Kashi Flour dishes Vegetable dishes Meat dishes Fish dishes Baking pancakes and fritters Creams Unsweet Sweet pastry dough pastries Cakes Dessert Sushi Appetizers Hot Appetizers Snacks Canned Drinks, cocktails Hot drinks Cold Drinks News Salads Meat salads Vegetable salads Fish salads Fruit Salads Sauces Co. second dishes Sweet Dressings Sauces Soups Other Meat Soup Soup Fish Soup Vegetable Soup
Dishes in the oven dishes mushrooms Meat Dishes Vegetable Dishes Fish and seafood dishes dough Food Fruit Dishes Eggs with dairy products convenience Dietary Vegetarian Recipes Christmas Recipes European cuisine recipes 2014 Lenten dishes Holiday Dishes Recipes Recipes for March 8 to 23 February Recipes for Valentine's Day Recipes hastily Japanese
Madeleine - French pastry with a crisp and tender inside. Madeleine baked in special molds, shells, convenience shapers but if not, they can be replaced by shallow molds for Yorkshire pudding convenience Ingredients: 150 gr. flour 2 eggs 100g chicken. 100 grams of sugar. butter zest of one lemon 0.5 tsp soda 1 tsp slaked vinegar Preparation: Beat eggs with sugar until white foam. The longer you whip eggs, saturating them with oxygen, the more magnificent turn cookies. Pour beaten eggs into the flour and mix gently. Add warm melted butter and soda, slaked with vinegar. Stir batter. Lemon peel grate and add to the dough. Cookie cutter grease with butter and sprinkle with flour. Put the dough into the molds without filling them to the brim. Put the form in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake 25-30 minutes (guided by the power of his oven) until golden brown. When the pastry is ready, carefully get out of the mold and let cool slightly. Sweet pastries Leave a comment Views: 118 Dishes in the oven, dishes made of dough, European kitchen convenience
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

antea | 27.06.2014 11:39

Servings: 24
lemon juice 2 tbsp. liter.
Delicate, delicious cookies in the shape of shells, at the time of the Duke of Lorraine subdued, and later became popular not only in France but throughout the world. What could be better than a morning cup of tea or coffee in conjunction with these plump, tempting, mouth-watering pastries! Especially now that their manufacture have special molds, grenade and we do not have, as before, bake them in halves of these shells.
Aksinja (AnnaA) | 27.06.2014 01:50
antea | 27.06.2014 11:39
Pretty pechenyushki! Require a large photo of the last step!
Stuffed eggs or another option zakus Cuzco Apples on Puff Pastry
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

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Cookies, I want to offer you found on the Internet. The output did not want to bother cooking and for tea that it was necessary to come up with. That came across the recipe simple, fast, but sooooo delicious cookies. My kids loved it, and you try! Next: Ingredients: For the dough: 220 g butter; 100 g of sugar; 400 g flour For the filling: knorr 1 can of condensed milk; 100 g of dark chocolate; 1 cup hazelnuts; 50 g chocolate Preparation: Prepare the dough. Shortbread dough. Three grated knorr butter, mix with sugar and flour.
Elen @ Lat July 6, 2014, 20:20
And the truth is all quick and easy! Helen takin)) I love these cookies) Reply Delete
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Cookies with chocolate and nuts

Girls, mais voce do not worry enough for everyone

Difficulty: Easy
Egg 1 pc
Very tasty cookies ... My drawback: it would be necessary to put a spoonful of vegetable oil to be corrected next time .... but I assure you, you will not regret if you bake and try to help yourself ... as long as my Oh yeah, if summer they? I do not know about you, but I see cherries on sale only in the summer (about her so do not say anything). Well, about the mint will not happen again .. so definitely mais voce saving Well, winter try to put suhofruktikov
Girls, mais voce do not worry enough for everyone
Well, as-green-eyed, if there cherry mais voce in the center? Krasnook then too, thought-Light and reread ... vonashto! zelenogrechnevoe, yeah! you confused me again, Zaya! and intrigued! I love cookies! Thank you!
Great a cookie))) Sorry, Mistral us do not want to import))
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Monday, July 14, 2014

cinnamon - to taste

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
cinnamon - to taste
4. Stir the dough until a homogeneous mass. This weight can roll into a ball. The dough should come off by hand, you can still lubricate here comes honey boo boo fingers 1 tbsp. liter. vegetable oils. Next, cut the ball into 2 equal parts, one part put in the refrigerator, here comes honey boo boo and the second work.
Bake the cookies in the oven at t - 230 C, 20 min. no more and take out of the oven. Cookies here comes honey boo boo will be slightly soft, after covering glaze dries it well and will be crispy. You can not remove the cookies from the pan, leave it there to cool.
8. The cooled cookies on top and cover with glaze dries at t 150 S. And here it is necessary that the glaze has dried well, keep the cookies in the oven where it is about 40 minutes. here comes honey boo boo Then pull out the cookies out of the oven, give time to cool down and put in a tall vase and enjoy the crunch.
Cookies "on her finger."
Thank you again!
Thank you!
Cold soup with dumplings in mannymi berry jelly. Curd dessert with berries.
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Sunday, July 13, 2014

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These buttons of dough will not go unnoticed as a children's holiday, and friends. Before serving, they can be divided into portions and thin tie ribbons and then compete who knows more ways of sewing on buttons!
Then, on each circle make a small dent (you can use the lid from a plastic bottle, its diameter 3 cm) and proceed to the center through-hole (best fit for this tube of juice - so all get the same hole).
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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Home Homemade recipes Preparations for the winter Fast and Tasty Salads Hot dishes, a delicious din

Recipe plain cookies with cinnamon - Cookies. 1001 FOOD delicious recipes with photos!
Home Homemade recipes Preparations for the winter Fast and Tasty Salads Hot dishes, a delicious dinner, lunch Soups Desserts Baking Cakes, pies, cookies, dough Skewers, barbecue grill, picnic Cocktails, Drinks Sauces bruschetta Festive table Festive menu, recipes for holiday menu for children birthday, holiday photos bruschetta tableware, decoration dishes diet dieting for weight loss diets in the treatment of Dietary Recipes Vegetarian Recipes, meatless meals Baby Food Recipes for Kids Kids Soup Recipes Multicookings Kasha in Multicookings Potato Soup in a Multicookings Multicookings Multicookings Chicken Meat Casserole in Multicookings Multicookings Pilaf in Multicookings Vegetables Multicookings Bakery in Multicookings Billets Harvesting Harvesting vegetables fruits and berries All about food House
I love these cookies. His shortbread dough does not need vyminat withstand cold and tiring then roll with a rolling pin. Here, everything is easier - just for Sunday morning, when the sun comes through the window and the birds sing, all the household (and neighbors) are asleep, and you're in the kitchen with a big cup of chamomile tea sit and think: "What today will surprise and delight!" As such, instead of cinnamon cookies, you can add vanilla, frayed curd, crushed bruschetta nuts or almond flour (you need to kill the almonds in a blender until crumbs). Each time will be different each time - a tasty and interesting. And the shape of the liver can be given any. Children - bears and rabbits, adults - squares, circles, etc. If you do not like biscuits too - make it thicker, then it will remain soft inside. To do this, roll out thinly, squeeze circle large cup and fold it four times. We get pretty corners.
To prepare Sunday cookies with cinnamon, you will need: flour - 1 tbsp. baking powder bruschetta - 0.5 tsp Butter - 30 g sugar - 2-3 tbsp Egg - 2 pcs. Milk - 1-5 tbsp cinnamon - 1 tsp Salt - a pinch
1. Divide 1 egg into a cup, whisk it with a fork and leave on time. Turn the oven to warm. 2. Mix in a bowl all the dry ingredients - sifted flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and cinnamon. bruschetta These grate butter. Frays hands all the contents to obtain fragrant oily grains. Add the second egg, stir with a spoon. If the dough has turned dry and not going into a whole spoonful introduce milk until you get a homogeneous dough. bruschetta
3. We spread the dough on the flour pritrushenny table collapses a little flour and roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.5 cm Forming as you like. I sliced into skew "cubes". We shift on a greased baking sheet, bruschetta grease with a brush with beaten egg and bake previously until tender. bruschetta
Italian cookies with pine nuts cookies palmers French Florentine cookies with oatmeal cookies and chocolate cookies Cookies Quick Strawberry Roses Almond and cinnamon cookies Biscuits with filling: Recipe with step by step photos
Simple and easy recipe. I love the smell of cinnamon, especially when combined with honey and apples. Thank you
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Friday, July 11, 2014

For the glaze:

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Such cookies can be prepared in any children's party, new year (they decorate the Christmas tree), and just to give to friends, believe they will be very pleased to receive a beautiful and delicious cookies made with your hands. Ingredients:
For the glaze:
Method: Take a pan and fell asleep com in her sugar, honey, spices, and bring everything to a boil. Pan contents remove from heat and add soda. Mix thoroughly. The mixture should strongly froth, add the butter and stir. Then add the flour and egg. Divide the dough into two equal parts. One part in the bag and remove, and the second part of the reservoir and start making cut out cookies. Making hole on top for the ribbons. Warm up the oven to 180 degrees and put back the cookies until lightly browned but not yet. Then we begin to prepare the glaze. Mix powdered sugar and protein, for beauty is even better to buy a color food coloring to the pastries were more vivid, but if there is no dye white glaze looks great too. Decorate cookies with frosting received a disposable pastry bag. Cookies and all ready to enjoy your meal!
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Ingredients: flour - 3 cups (can be a bit more) eggs - 2 pcs powdered sugar - 1 cup butter vfckj - 185 g vanilla - 1 pc. Method: 1.Saharnuyu powder mixed with melted butter, then add eggs and vanilla, mix well. 2.Postepenno sift the flour, stirring first wooden spoon and then knead the dough by hand 3.Sobrat dough into a ball, close the foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 4.Razdelit dough into 14 equal pieces, roll into balls and flatten out slightly palm. 5.Vypekat at 180 degrees for 20-25 minut.Verh cookies should not browned, should remain bright. RS usually in the middle of the cookie and make recess recess is filled with egg yolk. I somehow did not really .....
Great, useful, tasty dish that I can cook all year round and the winter and summer, as we have no problem with vegetables. Sach ...
Experimenting with the dough, shape, I'm sure it will add your experience and you will see the final result, and have fun at the same time on ...
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Alternatively, if too lazy to do the mint extract, you can melt the butter in a skillet, and how it

Combine ... Refreshing mint cookies. From what you mint zapechete its "cool" and easy to become a little less sharpness felt. But the feeling remains minty freshness :) We need
100 g sl.masla or margarine 200 g flour 100 g sugar 30 g mint leaves / is about a handful of good / 1 egg Preparation Mint necessary to crush. You can just sugar in a blender. Then, in a bowl, mix the softened butter, mint sugar and flour. Stir possible hands until smooth. Add egg here. As a result, get the dough alien greenish color with the form of cookies, too easy. You can pinch off, you can take the pieces margarita recipe with a spoon and roll it into a ball, flatten, and place on a baking sheet, the laid with baking paper. Cookies baking in the amount of almost no increase, so place it on a baking sheet can be dense in any order. Bake in preheated 180 oven for 20-25 minutes. Strongly margarita recipe "fry" is not necessary. margarita recipe Slightly olive green would be sufficient.
Alternatively, if too lazy to do the mint extract, you can melt the butter in a skillet, and how it will be very hot (fire shut down, the oil does not boil!), margarita recipe Put the whole branch mint leaves prior losses for more odor, and cover. How cool, remove twigs. Get peppermint oil, but without the green in cookies. Or you can make mint heavy cream and replace the part of the oil.
Mint cookies
Tags foodclub, Apricots, Avocados, Australian cuisine, Austrian cuisine, Copyright recipes Azerbaijan cuisine, Quince, American kitchen, Pineapples, English cuisine, Oranges, Arabic cuisine, Watermelon, Armenian cuisine, Armenian lavash, basil, eggplant, margarita recipe bananas, Lamb, bacon, margarita recipe Belarusian cuisine, Pancakes, Pancakes, Bean, Borsch, Brazilian, Broccoli, Cranberry, Brussels sprouts, Dumplings, Vegetarian, Hungarian cuisine, Ham, Wine, Cherry, Vodka, Bakery, Garnish, Hercules, Beef, Stuffed cabbage, peas, Scallops, Greek cuisine, Buckwheat, Mushrooms, margarita recipe Georgian cuisine, Pears, Gus, Dessert, Game, Dorada, Dorado National cuisine, Melon, margarita recipe European kitchen, Blackberry, Honeysuckle, Breakfasts, Billets, Appetizers, Casseroles, Israeli cuisine, Ginger, Turkey , Indian cuisine, Spanish, Italian, Yogurt, Squash, Caucasian cuisine, Squids, Canadian cuisine, margarita recipe Cannelloni, Capers, Cabbage, Caramel, potatoes, porridge, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Kiwi, Dogwood, Cypriot cuisine, jelly, Chinese, maple syrup, strawberries, cranberries, coconut milk, coconut, Cocktails, Sausage, Kohlrabi, Contest, Candy, Korean, Cutlets, Coffee, crabs, shrimp, rabbit, Cuban cuisine, Corn, Dried Apricots, Chicken, Couscous, Lasagna margarita recipe Limes, noodles, cakes, Lemons, Lithuanian cuisine, margarita recipe salmon, onion, mayonnaise, pasta, Malaysian cuisine, Raspberry, Maltese cuisine, Mango, Tangerines, Semolina, Marinades, Moroccan cuisine, olives, honey, Mexican cuisine, Mussels, Almond, Moderation, Moldavian cuisine, Milk, Seafood, Carrots, Ice Cream, Multicookings, moussaka, Meat, Mint, Drinks, German cuisine, low calorie dishes, New Year, Vegetables, Cereals, Cucumber, Pancakes, Venison, Polls, Nuts, Ossetian cuisine, main courses, Steamer, Pasta, Easter, Dumplings, Quail, Pepper, Barley, peaches, cookies, biscuit, Beer, Cakes, Pies, Cakes, Pizza, Polish cuisine, tomatoes, leeks, Portuguese cuisine, Lenten dishes, Promo, Bird, Travel, Puree, Crayfish, Stories, Rhubarb, Radish, Recipe of the month, Risotto Rice, Rolls, Muffins, Arugula, Russian cuisine, Fish, Salads, Salo, Sardines, Beets, Pork, Celery, herring, salmon, Serbian cuisine, Heart , Sweet, Sweets, Cream, Plums, Sour cream, currants, Sauce, Sauces, Spaghetti, Central Asian cuisine, offal, Sudak, Soups, Souffle, Sushi, Cheese, Thai, tartlets, cheese, veal meatballs, tuna, Tunisian cuisine, Turkish cuisine, pumpkin, Eel, Dinner, Uzbek cuisine, Ukrainian cuisine, Duck, Beef, Beans, Fennel, Pistachio, Trout, French Bread, Aspic, Croatian cuisine, cauliflower, zucchini, Tea, Blueberry, margarita recipe Prunes, Lentils sage, mushrooms, BBQ, Swiss cuisine, Chocolate, Scottish cuisine, spinach, sorrel, apples, berries, Language, egg whites, egg yolks, eggs, Jamaican, Japanese, peanuts, tree nuts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

North Korean authorities have banned putting cookies Choco Pie in daily dining sets with co-workers

North Korean authorities have banned putting cookies Choco Pie in daily dining sets with co-workers in South Korea Kaesong industrial complex, the correspondent of "TBN" with reference to The Washington Post.
Workers receiving scarce Choco Pie snacks as part of daily rations, began to sell their wish at speculative prices. The cost of one cookie reached 700 won ($ 0.7) with an average salary of working three thousand North Korean won (three dollars). It was also reported that the monthly turnover shadow delicacies made two and a half million units.
Russia bans imports of frozen beef from Australia Perfume Chanel 5 were under threat of being banned in South Korea a group of activists launched balloons in support of North Korea North and South Korea exchanged artillery salvos Kim Jong Un has developed a rocket South Korea called North Korea North Korean unreal country TV showed little Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong-eun expressed admiration for Putin in Russian life smoker no longer be the same MPs propose to ban cars evacuation ban on adoptions of Russian children by Americans is haunted by foreign families (VIDEO) In Goa proposal to ban bikinis on the beach North Korea conducted a third nuclear test on the Human Rights Council of the United Nations is examining the situation in North Korea North Korea refused to negotiate with the South, North Korea supported the initiative against nuclear disarmament, Iran (VIDEO) Kind Hearts: Sochi dvornyashki will be saved! (VIDEO) The woman made three plastic surgery for the perfect self France banned children's beauty dawn pageants to curb giperseksualizatsii children in the UK will be taken against pornography on the Internet, Russia imposed a ban on the supply of pigs and their meat from Belarus (VIDEO) Debtors on loans not be allowed to leave (VIDEO) Mosoblduma review a ban on promoting sodomy and sadomasochism Polish parliament refused to legalize same-sex "marriages" The State Duma will ban criticize the Soviet army (VIDEO)
Shock: Romanian grandma sent granddaughter self from the dead
Violation of privacy of citizens of Russia. Televoting (VIDEO)
News colleagues Camp "Pearl" will bring a smile to children dawn (VIDEO) Bike "Russia and the world without orphans" is on schedule (VIDEO) Mayor of Padua obliged to place crucifixes in all public buildings of the city (VIDEO) Patriarch Kirill called on to defend the gospel values (VIDEO) in Moscow hosted a meeting of heads of the Protestant Churches of Russia (VIDEO) Israel Festival "Lights of Jerusalem" (VIDEO)
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Monday, July 7, 2014

fascia composed of dense connective tissue located deep to the superficial fascia, brahma which is

Ningcai brahma Shen overall BI and related brahma theoretical discussion of the concept of fascial
fascia composed of dense connective tissue located deep to the superficial fascia, brahma which is coated body wall, limbs, muscle and blood vessels and nerves. Relations deep fascia and muscle are very close, with the layered and layered muscles brahma in the limbs, brahma deep fascia is inserted between the muscles and attached to the bone, and the periosteum brahma integration, constitute septum; surrounding muscles deep constitute brahma fascia fascia sheath; deep fascia also surrounds blood vessels, nerves form neurovascular sheath; while the number of muscle weight and more broad enough bone surface area, it can be used for muscle attachment or as a starting point for muscles. Thickness and strength of muscle fascia about as big leg developed, deep fascia of the thigh is especially thick and strong, tough. In addition to the deep fascia and muscle to protect against friction, but also can constrain muscle activity, muscles or muscle separating the various brahma muscles or muscle groups in order to ensure that the activities can be performed separately for each muscle. It also formed a number of structures such as the wrist and ankle deep fascial thickening, formation of the support band for its deep tendon through the support of the role and constraints, and change the direction of pulling muscles, to regulate muscle action. In addition, blood vessels and nerves are walking along the fascia muscle or between the gap between the muscles.
Nie located subcutaneously, covering the surface of the temporalis muscle, was tough fiber-like. Temporal fascia is generally divided into three layers, namely the shallow, middle and deep. Line starting from the temporal periosteum along the shallow, superficial in its nearly zygomatic arch and subgaleal healing, easy to tear. The middle is a layer of translucent film, starting at the bottom of the superior temporal line (ie temporal midline), connected with the periosteum, shallow, and most of the zygomatic arch above the middle and deep mixed and difficult to separate. Since the deep temporal offline, developed over the above two down in the top of the zygomatic arch, the complex is divided into two shades, shallow attached to the outer edge of the zygomatic arch, deep zygomatic arch and bite deep fascia with continued cross-section in , sandwiched between two layers of fatty tissue.
Deep cervical fascia shallow, cylindrical barrel surrounded by the neck, attached to the rear of the nuchal ligament and seventh cervical spinous process; fascia is attached brahma to the top of the lower edge of the mandible, zygomatic arch, mastoid base, the entry line and external occipital protuberance; attached to the bottom of the front edge of the sternum, clavicle, acromion, thus forming a complete sheath layer, also called fascia. In addition to the platysma, superficial vein and cutaneous branch of superficial cervical plexus at its surface, almost the entire structure of the package brahma is the neck. This fascia in the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, submandibular brahma and parotid glands, etc. into double wrapped them.
fascial. Up front layer attached to the trachea thyroid cartilage slash cricoid arch and the hyoid bone; downward wrapped thyroid thyroid sheath formation and continued until after the down sides of the trachea and into the chest, and the upper part of the integration of the pericardium. By loose connective tissue attached to the trachea before the formation of a gap between the front layer and the tracheal tube neck. Buccal pharyngeal brahma fascia overlying the posterior wall of the pharynx and the outside of the cheek muscles, attached to the base of the skull upward, downward and continued with esophageal fascia. Buccal pharyngeal fascia behind the anterior layer is formed between the retropharyngeal brahma space. Visceral fascia continuation to both sides, total package carotid artery, internal brahma carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve, carotid brahma carotid sheath is formed
Clavicular pectoralis major is located behind brahma the dense fibrous membrane sheets between the pectoralis minor muscle and the clavicle, and cover the axillary vessels and nerves. Fascia wrapping up separate subclavian muscle, muscular front and rear ends of the subclavian groove; brahma After integration and connection layer and clavicle brahma supraomohyoid deep cervical fascia and axillary vascular sheath. Fusion and medial fascia inwards beyond the first rib and intercostal space fascia on both surfaces under collarbone. Becomes thick and dense fascia outward, even in coracoid, integration and coracoclavicular ligaments. Fascia between the first rib and the coracoid process often thickened into bundles, called rib beak ligament; fascia thinning down, separated surrounding the pectoralis minor muscle, and the bottom of the axillary fascia, to the outside of the biceps Fusion muscle fascia short head surface. Cephalic vein, thoracoacromial artery and accompanying veins and nerves pass through brahma the lock chest lateral thoracic fascia.
(1) cover at the back of the inherent brahma superficial muscle fascia. Shallow upper back muscles and spine are connected to the muscles, including the trapezius from cervical spine bone connected to the back and shoulder straps, size rhomboid muscle, levator scapula and shoulder strap across the back bone from the spine to the humerus thoracolumbar The latissimus dorsi. Cover some of the deep fascia muscle group is a thin fibrous membrane, but attached to the entry line, nuchal ligament, fascia on all of the following seventh cervical spine and vertebral spinous ligaments at the thick, dense and more consistent fibrous layers. Attached to the outside shoulder, scapular, deltoid brahma down from the surface to the continuation of the arm; deep fascia deep fascia here and axillary membrane is continuous chest, waist down covering the abdominal muscles and fascia Continue down the merger brahma attached to the iliac crest.
Covering the back muscles, the deep surface. Saw muscle extends to the front portion of the deep cervical fascia brahma term upward through the shallow post. Chest, thoracic spine extensor fascia covering a thin fibrous layer, and separated from the spine to its upper extremity muscles. Attached to the inside of the thoracic spine, ribs attached to the outer corner. At the waist, thoracolumbar fascia is divided into three layers (Figure 2,3,4), the layer attached to the lumbar spine and the median sacral crest and the ligament. Attached to the inside of the middle lumbar transverse ligament between the tip and the transverse lower attached brahma to the iliac crest, on the edge of the ribs attached to the twelfth and Yao Lei ligament. Front layer covering the surface of the lumbar side muscle inside in the rear portion of the psoas muscle is attached to the outside of the front of the lumbar transverse process; downward iliolumbar ligaments attached to the iliac crest and the adjacent; formed up outside of the arcuate ligament; the middle layer and the vertical After the healing of spinal muscular outer edge, in the waist side edge of the outer muscle layer of the confluence with the former again to form the starting point of the transversus abdominis aponeurotic of.
Fascia, it contains brahma a lot of fat tissue. Shallow brahma and superficial fascia superficial fascia continuous whole body, namely the superficial fascia and the chest wall up phase, the downward migration of the superficial fascia in the thigh and scrotum meat film. Deep membranous layer, the lack of fat, also known as Scarpa fascia, shallow thin, closely integrated in the ventral midline at the white line. This fascia below the inguinal ligament down to about one finger around the place, attached to the thigh fascia lata. In the inside of the pubic tubercle, the superficial fascia deep down also continued in the scrotum meat membrane (membrane synthesis with a layer of meat), continued with the shallow and deep perineal fascia. Meanwhile, the fascia below the midline of the anterior abdominal wall thickening, formation of two dense connective tissue bundles. Located in the shallow surface of the penis called a bunch of loop-shaped ligaments, muscles starting from the shame joint front tow down, surrounded on both sides of feet into the penis. Located deep surface of a bunch of names suspensory ligament of the penis (clitoris in women suspensory ligament), starting from the front of the pubic symphysis, beyond the back of the penis (clitoris) is. Fiber bundles these ligaments, some from the rectus abdominis and external oblique tendon fibers. Superficial abdominal artery, vein and nerve were spoken in the deep layer of the abdominal wall between the superficial fascia.
Covering brahma the anterior abdominal wall and the side wall, this layer is divided into the abdominal brahma fascia with three-four. Abdominal brahma external oblique fascia covering the shallow shallow surface, located external oblique muscular part very well developed, covering the surface of the part of the external oblique fascia is weak, closely integrated with the external oblique fascia, which the deep fascia fascia superficial fascia up and chest (pectoralis major fascia deep surface) and is connected to the surface of the latissimus dorsi, rectus sheath covering inward, downward tightly attached to the outside of the inguinal ligament and the iliac crest lip. Superficial brahma abdominal fascia superficial inguinal canal at the top of the outer ring of the transverse fibers, superficial inguinal ring and continued in office cremaster fascia, brahma wrapped cremaster brahma and spermatic cord. Ventral intermediate layers deep fascia very weak, between the internal oblique and transverse abdominal ranged; brahma link is tight, there are large blood vessels and nerves brahma pass. That deep transverse fascia (see abdominal fascia)
Cover the walls of the inner surface of the abdominal cavity, with the muscles they conceal brahma named, for example, to cover part of the waist side muscle, called the back side fascia brahma (front layer of the thoracolumbar fascia); cover part of the iliac psoas muscle, called the iliac muscle membrane, brahma or called the psoas fascia; cover the following sections of the diaphragm, said diaphragm fascia; lining the inner surface of the part of the small pelvis, brahma called pelvic fascia. Cover part of the inner surface of the anterior abdominal wall, ie transverse fascia, distributed on both sides of the transverse fascia portion of the inner surface of the abdominal wall, close to the inner surface of the transverse abdominal muscles; at the top of the anterior abdominal wall is close to the rear wall of the rectus sheath behind the lower (below brahma arcuate line) close behind the rectus abdominis. Thickness varies throughout the transverse fascia, the ligament on the bottom edge of the inversion brahma and the iliac crest lips tightly together brahma to heal; in the groin area, in the vicinity of the outer edge of the rectus sheath relatively brahma dense, and with intra-abdominal oblique transversus abdominis muscle and joint tendon, tightly woven together. Above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament approximately 1.5cm
Where transverse fascia loose and surrounded around the spermatic cord, forming a funnel-like protrusions, brahma and with the spermatic cord into the scrotum, spermatic cord hydrocele testis constitute (or internal spermatic fascia) brahma surrounding the ring thus formed spermatic , is the deep inguinal canal ring. Transverse fascia in the medial inguinal canal thickens to form a ring of deep longitudinal ligament, the ligament between the concave, the different degree of development of the ligament, some as strong as rope, some easy separation. In the vicinity of the umbilical transverse brahma fascia also thicker fibers mostly rampant, especially called umbilical fascia. Dark side of the fascia is the peritoneal membrane. In the transverse fascia and peritoneum interval extraperitoneal adipose tissue, adipose tissue development in some areas, however brahma poor, or even completely absent, so these regions abdominal fascia and peritoneum closely, not separate easily. As mentioned above around the navel, etc. diaphragmatic deep below the inguinal canal and around the ring.
Obturator fascia of the levator ani muscle attachment thickening, called brahma the levator tendon bow, bow down to split from the three, two were inside the package is in the levator ani muscle and coccyx, the following form basin the diaphragm, fascia; i.e., the outer parts of the obturator fascia, fascia which constitute the diaphragm with pots ischial fossa anus inner wall and outer wall, and at the top of the ischial fossa anus, two mutually continuous. The pelvic diaphragm fascia or pelvic diaphragm fascia, starting in levator tendon bow, attached to the body on the back of the pubic bone in front, from about 2cm above the lower edge of the outward intertwined with the obturator fascia, below the fold inward to pelvic organs, transitional in pots dirty fascia. Basin below the diaphragm or pelvic diaphragm outer fascia brahma fascia, starting at the top of the levator tendon bow, in the inner sidewall of the ischial fossa anus. Continued with the fascia to the perineal area and the buttocks, down the line inwards on the external brahma anal sphincter fascia. The pelvic diaphragm, lower fascia and in the middle brahma of the levator ani muscle and coccyx referred pelvic diaphragm, pelvic under the mouth is closed the main barrier.
Perineal fascia. Perineal fascia overlying brahma the intrinsic muscles of the urogenital surfaces for hip fascia to the perineal area of direct and continuous. Anal triangle in place, covering the obturator fascia below the surface and the levator ani muscle and coccyx (ie basin below the diaphragm fascia). In part obturator fascia brahma surface, above most closely with the obturator fascia to heal, only the lower part, the lower edge of the ischial tuberosity about 2 ~ 4cm at the top, the two are separated constitute a tubular, name pussy tube. Which by the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels. Tube between the genitals and the ischial tuberosity have sickle sacrotuberous ligaments brahma connected to sudden, abrupt, also known as sickle-shaped fascia month. brahma Perineal fascia inherent urogenital triangle in place, divided into shallow, medium and deep layers.
Shallow: the perineum superficial fascia, superficial fascia is indeed deep, compared to the meager coverage in bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle and cavernous surface. Scrotal flesh before accepting the film, penile fascia and superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall deep. Attached to the lower edge of the sides and under the ischial tuberosity of the ischium and pubic support. After the superficial transverse muscle and urogenital diaphragm brahma edge on the perineum, the more the lower fascia, and also in the midline perineal central tendon and urethral septum with more significant. middle: the urogenital fascia below the diaphragm. Here, both sides covered in urogenital attached to the inner surface of the deltoid muscle and under the ischial pubic branch. On the front of the leading edge of the urogenital deltoid fascia with urogenital diaphragm is continuous. Behind the superficial transverse perineal muscle brahma in on the edge of the fascia and the urogenital diaphragm and perineal fascia and perineal central tendon healing phase. There is a gap, were shallow perineum (between) gap or perineal shallow bags, containing bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle, corpus cavernosum and urethra ball between the legs with the perineal fascia. Above its opening forward by both sides of the penis up to the abdominal wall. deep: the urogenital diaphragm fascia. Urogenital deltoid muscle covering the above, brahma for the first ischial brahma fossa anal crypts, attached to both sides under the ischial pubic branch and the lower branch, due to its front and rear edges of the front and rear deltoid urogenital are more and urogenital fascia brahma below the diaphragm forward. Therefore, in the following, the deep fascia and the two sides between the ischial pubic branch and constituting a closed bag of fascia, name space or perineal perineum deep deep pocket, trapezoidal, it is coated with urogenital deltoid , internal pudendal brahma vessels and venous plexus. In the men's packages are membranous urethra, urethral gland and its excretory duct, dorsal penile brahma nerve, brahma urethral arteries and nerves; woman urethra, vagina and clitoris dorsal nerve. Urogenital deltoid fascia special thickening around the edge. The leading edge of those tensions between the next two pubic branch, name pelvic transverse ligament; trailing brahma edge by tensions brahma between the two sides of the ischial tuberosity, transverse perineal name (in) diaphragm, as anal and urogenital triangle triangle boundaries. Deltoid and the urogenital urogenital brahma diaphragm, lower fascia, together constitute the urogenital diaphragm, pelvic diaphragm hiatus closure has reinforced the role of the pelvic floor.
More developed deep fascia arm above the deep fascia brahma and myofascial transitional triangular axillary fascia, brahma fascia attached to the bottom of the forearm, the distal half of the inner and outer sides of the arm from the deep fascia issue side arm wale interval between the muscles, deep flexor and extensor arm, attached to the upper edge of the inner and outer lateral humeral condyle of the humerus, forming the inner and outer spacer arm muscle arm muscle interval.
Forearm fascia developed, continued up to the arm fascia. In front of the cubital fossa, this fascia is enhanced triceps fascia, rear fascia has been enhanced brahma triceps. In the face of the deep fascia, superficial flexor forearm in front of the start, brahma followed by a shallow forearm brahma extensor start. In the distal forearm, wrist near the fascial thickening, formation of superficial palmar transverse ligament and extensor and deep transverse ligament is located in the superficial palmar surface of the flexor retinaculum. With deep support from the extensor facing the back of the distal end of the radius and ulna uplift issued several mediastinum, into the space between each tendon and periosteal bone together brahma constitute 6 fiber tubes, each tendon separately by their respective tubes, each inner tubes are lined with synovial brahma tendon sheath that wrist extensor tendon synovial sheath. Flexor support for the tough rampant with fiber coupling wrist ulnar radial side of the wrist swell and bulge, the carpal ligament and bony groove together constitute a fiber tubes that carpal brahma tunnel. Inner tube through superficial flexor tendon, deep flexor tendon, flexor hallucis longus tendon and the median nerve. From the deep surface of the forearm fascia, the muscle between brahma each issued many deep barrier, and the formation of muscles and each muscle sheaths, each sheath varying brahma degree of development to the flexor carpi, and elbow extensor carpi more developed muscle fiber sheath.
Deep fascia thigh fascia lata said, is the thickest body fascia, upper end attached to the anterior superior iliac spine, the inguinal ligament, pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis, pubic arch, ischial arch, ischial brahma tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament brahma sacral iliac crest of the ridge and outer lip, and continued at the hip fascia; attached to the lower ankle medial tibia, lateral tibia ankle, tibial tuberosity, and other ligaments and tendons around the knee, and a part of the migration in the calf deep fascia and popliteal fascia. Lata is relatively weak in the inner thighs, and in the more developed thigh, outer part has two thin circular fibers, sandwiched in a strong longitudinal fiber ribbon made of longitudinal fascia, called the iliotibial band or iliotibial ligament. Since the top of the iliac crest of its outer lip (front to the anterior superior iliac spine, posterior to the iliac nodes), and ends beneath the lateral brahma condyle of tibia. This is the front of the fiber bundle tensor fascia lata muscle fascia, rear fiber as a continuation of the gluteus maximus tendon. Since the deep fascia lata muscle for the interval between the muscles giving three, namely vastus lateralis interval vastus medialis muscle interval after interval and shares, forming three fascia sheath.
Continued at the top of the fascia lata and hamstrings, attached to the bony prominences around the knee and ligaments (ie, patella and patellar band), tibial tuberosity, the tibia, lateral malleolus and the fibular head; beneath the fascia around the ankle in thickening, formation around the ankle tendon support band. Thicker upper fascia with biceps femoris, brahma semitendinosus, semimembranosus and gracilis tendon fiber-reinforced, and there tibialis anterior muscle and

Sunday, July 6, 2014

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Several multinational companies have begun to contribute to the Danish Treasury, the review of open tax rolls. 27. December 2013 pm. 07:19 The four multinationals that have previously been on Enhedslistens black list of zero-tax payers, are now contributing to the treasury. food With about 41 million. Photo: LAURENT Gilliéron
But now a new statement of Taxation's tax rolls from 2012 that several of the so-called multinassere, have begun to pay corporation tax. It may BBC News detect, Database editors have reviewed all 243,000 companies tax. 2.5 million from Nestlé
- Our coffee business, food which is our primary business, did very well in 2012. Additionally, we acquired a subsidiary, and therefore was in the happy position of having to pay income tax, explains Country Manager of Nestlé Denmark, Søren Rye.
Kinnarps: $ 0
Nestlé had last year revenue of approximately 700 million dollars food in Denmark, and they paid about 2.5 million in corporation tax. But that's not enough, says Green Alliance's tax spokesman, Frank Aaen.
- Nescafe's not the cheapest coffee on the market. It's branded products, the stuff they sell. Therefore, it is very strange that they do not have higher profits, food and that they only paid 2.5 million, said Frank Aaen. 0 dollars in tax
- In recent years there has been increased focus on multinational companies pay tax in Denmark. One can not exclude that it gets companies to make positive efforts to pay taxes. And so it may be related to the tax authorities have increased the monitoring of compliance by the majors pay the tax they should. Pay taxes no matter what
- We have not started to pay taxes because all of a sudden came open tax rolls. We comply with the law to the letter in this area, says Country Manager of Nestlé Denmark, Søren Rye. Share this article: Mail Twitter Facebook Print Share article: Mail Twitter Facebook
News Top Stories HIGHLIGHTS Criminal Drama: Holland stops Costa Rica's World Cup adventure pm. 00:55 After killing boy: Unrest spreads 05th July 2014 pm. 20:32 Several students - but not more engineers 05 July 2014 pm. 19:53
Money latest news Fraud Squad drops case against Danish Bank top officials 04 July 2014 pm. 13:31 Danish Crown: We do not know if slaughterhouse, Germany, England or Poland, 04 July 2014 pm. 09:32 Over 400 abattoir workers downs tools 04 July 2014 pm. 09:02 Forced Labour in Denmark: I was like a slave 03 July 2014 pm. 21:30 Violence and threats are commonplace for forced labor in Denmark 03 July 2014 pm. 20:00 The Danes have a positive bottom line 03 July 2014 pm. 09:48 Real estate prices continue upward 02 July 2014 pm. 9:30 Businesses upturn after the crisis and avoid bankruptcy 02 July 2014 pm. 9:29 Every other company expect increasing profits 01. 2014 pm. 08:04 Danish Metal: 2014, provide 4,000 more jobs in the industry 30. June 2014 pm. 18:13 See all news about money
We follow Roskilde Festival School food Absenteeism World Cup in Brazil Turmoil in Iraq Ukraine Loop case See & Hear Case News on your smartphone Get EP result on your mobile The new programs on DR2 More
Latest news After killing boy: Unrest spreads 05th July 2014 pm. 20:32 Bon Appetit: Roskilde Festival serves garbage 05th July 2014 pm. 20:00 Several students - but not more engineers 05 July 2014 pm. 19:53 11 killed in plane crash in Poland: Should food parashuting 05 July 2014 pm. 19:23 Doubts about the election results threatens Afghan future 05 July 2014 pm. 18:32 Photostream: Kiss, concerts and giant hangover at Roskilde 05 July 2014 pm. 17:52 New information casts doubt on sex charges against Dane in New York 05 July 2014 pm. 17:50 Roskilde expect twice the profits 05 July 2014 pm. 17:31 VIDEO See Hammer assess tents at Roskilde Festival 05 July 2014 pm. 17:29 Militant Islamists take responsibility for the suicide attack in Somalia 05 July 2014 pm. 17:00 See all news
Most read last 24 hours Live from Roskilde Festival 05 July 2014 pm. 12:58 Festival from your couch: Hammer finds Roskilde tent pearl 05th July 2014 pm. 8:15 Weather myth holds: Sunshine at Roskilde gives rain on Skanderborg 05 July 2014 pm. 09:00 Simone got tattooed a piece of human rights on its feet 05 July 2014 pm. 09:15 Straw, lots of rose and orange beer bong: Camp of the year is found at Roskilde Festival 05 July 2014 pm. 14:55 BBC News