Ningcai brahma Shen overall BI and related brahma theoretical discussion of the concept of fascial
fascia composed of dense connective tissue located deep to the superficial fascia, brahma which is coated body wall, limbs, muscle and blood vessels and nerves. Relations deep fascia and muscle are very close, with the layered and layered muscles brahma in the limbs, brahma deep fascia is inserted between the muscles and attached to the bone, and the periosteum brahma integration, constitute septum; surrounding muscles deep constitute brahma fascia fascia sheath; deep fascia also surrounds blood vessels, nerves form neurovascular sheath; while the number of muscle weight and more broad enough bone surface area, it can be used for muscle attachment or as a starting point for muscles. Thickness and strength of muscle fascia about as big leg developed, deep fascia of the thigh is especially thick and strong, tough. In addition to the deep fascia and muscle to protect against friction, but also can constrain muscle activity, muscles or muscle separating the various brahma muscles or muscle groups in order to ensure that the activities can be performed separately for each muscle. It also formed a number of structures such as the wrist and ankle deep fascial thickening, formation of the support band for its deep tendon through the support of the role and constraints, and change the direction of pulling muscles, to regulate muscle action. In addition, blood vessels and nerves are walking along the fascia muscle or between the gap between the muscles.
Nie located subcutaneously, covering the surface of the temporalis muscle, was tough fiber-like. Temporal fascia is generally divided into three layers, namely the shallow, middle and deep. Line starting from the temporal periosteum along the shallow, superficial in its nearly zygomatic arch and subgaleal healing, easy to tear. The middle is a layer of translucent film, starting at the bottom of the superior temporal line (ie temporal midline), connected with the periosteum, shallow, and most of the zygomatic arch above the middle and deep mixed and difficult to separate. Since the deep temporal offline, developed over the above two down in the top of the zygomatic arch, the complex is divided into two shades, shallow attached to the outer edge of the zygomatic arch, deep zygomatic arch and bite deep fascia with continued cross-section in , sandwiched between two layers of fatty tissue.
Deep cervical fascia shallow, cylindrical barrel surrounded by the neck, attached to the rear of the nuchal ligament and seventh cervical spinous process; fascia is attached brahma to the top of the lower edge of the mandible, zygomatic arch, mastoid base, the entry line and external occipital protuberance; attached to the bottom of the front edge of the sternum, clavicle, acromion, thus forming a complete sheath layer, also called fascia. In addition to the platysma, superficial vein and cutaneous branch of superficial cervical plexus at its surface, almost the entire structure of the package brahma is the neck. This fascia in the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, submandibular brahma and parotid glands, etc. into double wrapped them.
fascial. Up front layer attached to the trachea thyroid cartilage slash cricoid arch and the hyoid bone; downward wrapped thyroid thyroid sheath formation and continued until after the down sides of the trachea and into the chest, and the upper part of the integration of the pericardium. By loose connective tissue attached to the trachea before the formation of a gap between the front layer and the tracheal tube neck. Buccal pharyngeal brahma fascia overlying the posterior wall of the pharynx and the outside of the cheek muscles, attached to the base of the skull upward, downward and continued with esophageal fascia. Buccal pharyngeal fascia behind the anterior layer is formed between the retropharyngeal brahma space. Visceral fascia continuation to both sides, total package carotid artery, internal brahma carotid artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve, carotid brahma carotid sheath is formed
Clavicular pectoralis major is located behind brahma the dense fibrous membrane sheets between the pectoralis minor muscle and the clavicle, and cover the axillary vessels and nerves. Fascia wrapping up separate subclavian muscle, muscular front and rear ends of the subclavian groove; brahma After integration and connection layer and clavicle brahma supraomohyoid deep cervical fascia and axillary vascular sheath. Fusion and medial fascia inwards beyond the first rib and intercostal space fascia on both surfaces under collarbone. Becomes thick and dense fascia outward, even in coracoid, integration and coracoclavicular ligaments. Fascia between the first rib and the coracoid process often thickened into bundles, called rib beak ligament; fascia thinning down, separated surrounding the pectoralis minor muscle, and the bottom of the axillary fascia, to the outside of the biceps Fusion muscle fascia short head surface. Cephalic vein, thoracoacromial artery and accompanying veins and nerves pass through brahma the lock chest lateral thoracic fascia.
(1) cover at the back of the inherent brahma superficial muscle fascia. Shallow upper back muscles and spine are connected to the muscles, including the trapezius from cervical spine bone connected to the back and shoulder straps, size rhomboid muscle, levator scapula and shoulder strap across the back bone from the spine to the humerus thoracolumbar The latissimus dorsi. Cover some of the deep fascia muscle group is a thin fibrous membrane, but attached to the entry line, nuchal ligament, fascia on all of the following seventh cervical spine and vertebral spinous ligaments at the thick, dense and more consistent fibrous layers. Attached to the outside shoulder, scapular, deltoid brahma down from the surface to the continuation of the arm; deep fascia deep fascia here and axillary membrane is continuous chest, waist down covering the abdominal muscles and fascia Continue down the merger brahma attached to the iliac crest.
Covering the back muscles, the deep surface. Saw muscle extends to the front portion of the deep cervical fascia brahma term upward through the shallow post. Chest, thoracic spine extensor fascia covering a thin fibrous layer, and separated from the spine to its upper extremity muscles. Attached to the inside of the thoracic spine, ribs attached to the outer corner. At the waist, thoracolumbar fascia is divided into three layers (Figure 2,3,4), the layer attached to the lumbar spine and the median sacral crest and the ligament. Attached to the inside of the middle lumbar transverse ligament between the tip and the transverse lower attached brahma to the iliac crest, on the edge of the ribs attached to the twelfth and Yao Lei ligament. Front layer covering the surface of the lumbar side muscle inside in the rear portion of the psoas muscle is attached to the outside of the front of the lumbar transverse process; downward iliolumbar ligaments attached to the iliac crest and the adjacent; formed up outside of the arcuate ligament; the middle layer and the vertical After the healing of spinal muscular outer edge, in the waist side edge of the outer muscle layer of the confluence with the former again to form the starting point of the transversus abdominis aponeurotic of.
Fascia, it contains brahma a lot of fat tissue. Shallow brahma and superficial fascia superficial fascia continuous whole body, namely the superficial fascia and the chest wall up phase, the downward migration of the superficial fascia in the thigh and scrotum meat film. Deep membranous layer, the lack of fat, also known as Scarpa fascia, shallow thin, closely integrated in the ventral midline at the white line. This fascia below the inguinal ligament down to about one finger around the place, attached to the thigh fascia lata. In the inside of the pubic tubercle, the superficial fascia deep down also continued in the scrotum meat membrane (membrane synthesis with a layer of meat), continued with the shallow and deep perineal fascia. Meanwhile, the fascia below the midline of the anterior abdominal wall thickening, formation of two dense connective tissue bundles. Located in the shallow surface of the penis called a bunch of loop-shaped ligaments, muscles starting from the shame joint front tow down, surrounded on both sides of feet into the penis. Located deep surface of a bunch of names suspensory ligament of the penis (clitoris in women suspensory ligament), starting from the front of the pubic symphysis, beyond the back of the penis (clitoris) is. Fiber bundles these ligaments, some from the rectus abdominis and external oblique tendon fibers. Superficial abdominal artery, vein and nerve were spoken in the deep layer of the abdominal wall between the superficial fascia.
Covering brahma the anterior abdominal wall and the side wall, this layer is divided into the abdominal brahma fascia with three-four. Abdominal brahma external oblique fascia covering the shallow shallow surface, located external oblique muscular part very well developed, covering the surface of the part of the external oblique fascia is weak, closely integrated with the external oblique fascia, which the deep fascia fascia superficial fascia up and chest (pectoralis major fascia deep surface) and is connected to the surface of the latissimus dorsi, rectus sheath covering inward, downward tightly attached to the outside of the inguinal ligament and the iliac crest lip. Superficial brahma abdominal fascia superficial inguinal canal at the top of the outer ring of the transverse fibers, superficial inguinal ring and continued in office cremaster fascia, brahma wrapped cremaster brahma and spermatic cord. Ventral intermediate layers deep fascia very weak, between the internal oblique and transverse abdominal ranged; brahma link is tight, there are large blood vessels and nerves brahma pass. That deep transverse fascia (see abdominal fascia)
Cover the walls of the inner surface of the abdominal cavity, with the muscles they conceal brahma named, for example, to cover part of the waist side muscle, called the back side fascia brahma (front layer of the thoracolumbar fascia); cover part of the iliac psoas muscle, called the iliac muscle membrane, brahma or called the psoas fascia; cover the following sections of the diaphragm, said diaphragm fascia; lining the inner surface of the part of the small pelvis, brahma called pelvic fascia. Cover part of the inner surface of the anterior abdominal wall, ie transverse fascia, distributed on both sides of the transverse fascia portion of the inner surface of the abdominal wall, close to the inner surface of the transverse abdominal muscles; at the top of the anterior abdominal wall is close to the rear wall of the rectus sheath behind the lower (below brahma arcuate line) close behind the rectus abdominis. Thickness varies throughout the transverse fascia, the ligament on the bottom edge of the inversion brahma and the iliac crest lips tightly together brahma to heal; in the groin area, in the vicinity of the outer edge of the rectus sheath relatively brahma dense, and with intra-abdominal oblique transversus abdominis muscle and joint tendon, tightly woven together. Above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament approximately 1.5cm
Where transverse fascia loose and surrounded around the spermatic cord, forming a funnel-like protrusions, brahma and with the spermatic cord into the scrotum, spermatic cord hydrocele testis constitute (or internal spermatic fascia) brahma surrounding the ring thus formed spermatic , is the deep inguinal canal ring. Transverse fascia in the medial inguinal canal thickens to form a ring of deep longitudinal ligament, the ligament between the concave, the different degree of development of the ligament, some as strong as rope, some easy separation. In the vicinity of the umbilical transverse brahma fascia also thicker fibers mostly rampant, especially called umbilical fascia. Dark side of the fascia is the peritoneal membrane. In the transverse fascia and peritoneum interval extraperitoneal adipose tissue, adipose tissue development in some areas, however brahma poor, or even completely absent, so these regions abdominal fascia and peritoneum closely, not separate easily. As mentioned above around the navel, etc. diaphragmatic deep below the inguinal canal and around the ring.
Obturator fascia of the levator ani muscle attachment thickening, called brahma the levator tendon bow, bow down to split from the three, two were inside the package is in the levator ani muscle and coccyx, the following form basin the diaphragm, fascia; i.e., the outer parts of the obturator fascia, fascia which constitute the diaphragm with pots ischial fossa anus inner wall and outer wall, and at the top of the ischial fossa anus, two mutually continuous. The pelvic diaphragm fascia or pelvic diaphragm fascia, starting in levator tendon bow, attached to the body on the back of the pubic bone in front, from about 2cm above the lower edge of the outward intertwined with the obturator fascia, below the fold inward to pelvic organs, transitional in pots dirty fascia. Basin below the diaphragm or pelvic diaphragm outer fascia brahma fascia, starting at the top of the levator tendon bow, in the inner sidewall of the ischial fossa anus. Continued with the fascia to the perineal area and the buttocks, down the line inwards on the external brahma anal sphincter fascia. The pelvic diaphragm, lower fascia and in the middle brahma of the levator ani muscle and coccyx referred pelvic diaphragm, pelvic under the mouth is closed the main barrier.
Perineal fascia. Perineal fascia overlying brahma the intrinsic muscles of the urogenital surfaces for hip fascia to the perineal area of direct and continuous. Anal triangle in place, covering the obturator fascia below the surface and the levator ani muscle and coccyx (ie basin below the diaphragm fascia). In part obturator fascia brahma surface, above most closely with the obturator fascia to heal, only the lower part, the lower edge of the ischial tuberosity about 2 ~ 4cm at the top, the two are separated constitute a tubular, name pussy tube. Which by the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels. Tube between the genitals and the ischial tuberosity have sickle sacrotuberous ligaments brahma connected to sudden, abrupt, also known as sickle-shaped fascia month. brahma Perineal fascia inherent urogenital triangle in place, divided into shallow, medium and deep layers.
Shallow: the perineum superficial fascia, superficial fascia is indeed deep, compared to the meager coverage in bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle and cavernous surface. Scrotal flesh before accepting the film, penile fascia and superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall deep. Attached to the lower edge of the sides and under the ischial tuberosity of the ischium and pubic support. After the superficial transverse muscle and urogenital diaphragm brahma edge on the perineum, the more the lower fascia, and also in the midline perineal central tendon and urethral septum with more significant. middle: the urogenital fascia below the diaphragm. Here, both sides covered in urogenital attached to the inner surface of the deltoid muscle and under the ischial pubic branch. On the front of the leading edge of the urogenital deltoid fascia with urogenital diaphragm is continuous. Behind the superficial transverse perineal muscle brahma in on the edge of the fascia and the urogenital diaphragm and perineal fascia and perineal central tendon healing phase. There is a gap, were shallow perineum (between) gap or perineal shallow bags, containing bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle, corpus cavernosum and urethra ball between the legs with the perineal fascia. Above its opening forward by both sides of the penis up to the abdominal wall. deep: the urogenital diaphragm fascia. Urogenital deltoid muscle covering the above, brahma for the first ischial brahma fossa anal crypts, attached to both sides under the ischial pubic branch and the lower branch, due to its front and rear edges of the front and rear deltoid urogenital are more and urogenital fascia brahma below the diaphragm forward. Therefore, in the following, the deep fascia and the two sides between the ischial pubic branch and constituting a closed bag of fascia, name space or perineal perineum deep deep pocket, trapezoidal, it is coated with urogenital deltoid , internal pudendal brahma vessels and venous plexus. In the men's packages are membranous urethra, urethral gland and its excretory duct, dorsal penile brahma nerve, brahma urethral arteries and nerves; woman urethra, vagina and clitoris dorsal nerve. Urogenital deltoid fascia special thickening around the edge. The leading edge of those tensions between the next two pubic branch, name pelvic transverse ligament; trailing brahma edge by tensions brahma between the two sides of the ischial tuberosity, transverse perineal name (in) diaphragm, as anal and urogenital triangle triangle boundaries. Deltoid and the urogenital urogenital brahma diaphragm, lower fascia, together constitute the urogenital diaphragm, pelvic diaphragm hiatus closure has reinforced the role of the pelvic floor.
More developed deep fascia arm above the deep fascia brahma and myofascial transitional triangular axillary fascia, brahma fascia attached to the bottom of the forearm, the distal half of the inner and outer sides of the arm from the deep fascia issue side arm wale interval between the muscles, deep flexor and extensor arm, attached to the upper edge of the inner and outer lateral humeral condyle of the humerus, forming the inner and outer spacer arm muscle arm muscle interval.
Forearm fascia developed, continued up to the arm fascia. In front of the cubital fossa, this fascia is enhanced triceps fascia, rear fascia has been enhanced brahma triceps. In the face of the deep fascia, superficial flexor forearm in front of the start, brahma followed by a shallow forearm brahma extensor start. In the distal forearm, wrist near the fascial thickening, formation of superficial palmar transverse ligament and extensor and deep transverse ligament is located in the superficial palmar surface of the flexor retinaculum. With deep support from the extensor facing the back of the distal end of the radius and ulna uplift issued several mediastinum, into the space between each tendon and periosteal bone together brahma constitute 6 fiber tubes, each tendon separately by their respective tubes, each inner tubes are lined with synovial brahma tendon sheath that wrist extensor tendon synovial sheath. Flexor support for the tough rampant with fiber coupling wrist ulnar radial side of the wrist swell and bulge, the carpal ligament and bony groove together constitute a fiber tubes that carpal brahma tunnel. Inner tube through superficial flexor tendon, deep flexor tendon, flexor hallucis longus tendon and the median nerve. From the deep surface of the forearm fascia, the muscle between brahma each issued many deep barrier, and the formation of muscles and each muscle sheaths, each sheath varying brahma degree of development to the flexor carpi, and elbow extensor carpi more developed muscle fiber sheath.
Deep fascia thigh fascia lata said, is the thickest body fascia, upper end attached to the anterior superior iliac spine, the inguinal ligament, pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis, pubic arch, ischial arch, ischial brahma tuberosity, sacrotuberous ligament brahma sacral iliac crest of the ridge and outer lip, and continued at the hip fascia; attached to the lower ankle medial tibia, lateral tibia ankle, tibial tuberosity, and other ligaments and tendons around the knee, and a part of the migration in the calf deep fascia and popliteal fascia. Lata is relatively weak in the inner thighs, and in the more developed thigh, outer part has two thin circular fibers, sandwiched in a strong longitudinal fiber ribbon made of longitudinal fascia, called the iliotibial band or iliotibial ligament. Since the top of the iliac crest of its outer lip (front to the anterior superior iliac spine, posterior to the iliac nodes), and ends beneath the lateral brahma condyle of tibia. This is the front of the fiber bundle tensor fascia lata muscle fascia, rear fiber as a continuation of the gluteus maximus tendon. Since the deep fascia lata muscle for the interval between the muscles giving three, namely vastus lateralis interval vastus medialis muscle interval after interval and shares, forming three fascia sheath.
Continued at the top of the fascia lata and hamstrings, attached to the bony prominences around the knee and ligaments (ie, patella and patellar band), tibial tuberosity, the tibia, lateral malleolus and the fibular head; beneath the fascia around the ankle in thickening, formation around the ankle tendon support band. Thicker upper fascia with biceps femoris, brahma semitendinosus, semimembranosus and gracilis tendon fiber-reinforced, and there tibialis anterior muscle and