A few weeks ago I wrote niche Box Burger King is one of our best product extra online cheaper end of the Rodeo Szendvicsről. If you like the style, then this action you will BelFrit and bonus Brigade thanks!
Roughly one and a half or two in your day you can purchase a voucher which nearly 50% discount to purchase a pair Rodrigo Burger and add the WestEnd is located BelFrit restaurant. A brief yet you should know that it is very good fries, but if they more interested in what a hamburger, John wrote about them back then, within the framework of the BP Burger. But let's see what's in the package:
990 is only need to pay using the coupon instead of HUF 1,879 after deducting the discount, which is compared to the fast-food menus, prices, quite worth it. The sandwich otherwise an overgrown, so tuned Rodeo two onion rings, burger, jalapeño peppers, lettuce, tomato and cheese is included, as well as ketchup and chili sauce being poured into the neck, so the end result is probably going to sting.
BelFrit my heart's not so inventive burger, however, I recommend everyone purchase the coupon. Based on the description looks good sandwich, the fries have never had a problem with the Belgian étteremláncnál, this is good Mexican donuts (though not tasted them) and fairly new, as far as the gyorskajás sweets. Only problem with the bid may be to not drink, but it's up there or not purchased from an external source through the McDonald menu at the price swings, in addition to more to offer than that.
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