Friday, April 25, 2014

Walnuts, hazelnuts, dates and figs shredded using a blender, you can also cut them finely. Mix chee

On the occasion of Easter, I decided to try to prepare the Passover, which is a traditional vodka dish in many parts of Easter. I looked through a lot of different rules from those in which the cheese is preparing himself, by those with the addition of egg yolks, but ultimately chose at the beginning of the quickest and simplest version, which is pieced myself after reading all the rules. vodka It's vodka simple and quick to prepare (not including waiting time) way, which I think can be successfully used for dessert or sweet weekend breakfast. Passover tasted especially Lubemu, who suddenly consumed her for me quite a lot.
During Christmas I prepared the Passover twice and I'll tell you, I'm dope squared, because vodka the two times I forgot to add something. The first time I forgot about almond flakes, despite the fact that lay in front of me on the kitchen counter, because a specially laid out before all the ingredients to not forget anything. The second evening, when I prepared the Passover, I forgot to turn on adding to the weight of orange peel, because I took out of her locker, and a container of a blender with fragmented raisins (to which the memory previously poured almond flakes, lest we forget) I left myself on top. Therefore, the whole peel landed as decoration. Do not forget to add it - cheese is gaining a lot to taste :)
250 g of fine fat cheese touch of sweet cream honey to taste a handful of walnuts handful of hazelnuts handful vodka of candied orange peel a handful of almonds flakes 2-3 2-3 dates dried figs
Fine cheese mash well with a fork enough, you can also mix the cheese with the help of a blender. For it was not too dry, add a little cream and a whole mix to a soft, smooth mass. Cheese also sweetened to taste with honey.
Walnuts, hazelnuts, dates and figs shredded using a blender, you can also cut them finely. Mix cheese with all the delicacies, translate into a strainer lined with gauze, cover and saucer on top put something heavy. So prepared the Passover put in a refrigerator overnight. Before serving, garnish with nuts and raisins. Enjoy it! :)
Thank you :)
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