Saturday, April 19, 2014

How is it going - For things like gifts and ddidorol to make it easier. I

New Year's Resolutions | Not the Since School ...
How is it going - Okay. A cook a kid in the ffrwnt good. I've bought plenty of food and I cook things from my old book "Grub on a Grant"! I had forgotten how good does it! Food delicious and cheap and easy. On ffrwnt water is difficult. I drink too much coffee when I work and forget the water. I've been keeping rhestyr gest of the amount of water to it and the glass about four or five a day. I want more as you can. It's worse this weekend when I'm out of the house very often. On ffrwnt fiber it is very kid but slowly. I've been adding oats and nuts to many things and eat more cereal. I've also bought brown rice but it is much slower to cook than white rice! 24Gram safeway fiber should I eat but they said I have only about 17 at the moment even with newidau.
How is it going - For things like gifts and ddidorol to make it easier. I've found many online stores Welsh and Wales very nice. I've been Googlio names of things I want in Welsh as "birthday cards" to find good websites. I got a couple of problems - working small businesses are slower than large businesses and I've lost by not leaving a birthday card on time! With food sometimes I have to choose safeway between food and local food cheaper - especially because I do not drive and want some things'd be carrying the floor when archfachnod street! I'm not being too bleak with food. Yes I can buy it in the store on the corner then everything I'm doing it but some things I still buy from Sainsbury. I would like to buy more vegetables from the market but dyw'rae opening safeway hours not convenient at all with work.
A copy of Grub on a Grant me also, he is very thick. I need to drink more water and less de aa coffee. I used to find that several items in my corner shop for cheaper or cost something similar to supermarket, things like Tilda rice, ketchup and a few others.
The only time I went twittering at @ SiopTresaith WAS ever to speak and hear Welsh! A little bit of heaven for learners is the shop! Thank you from the heart! 5 days ago Why bother with accident ymchwiliad wrth @ Telegraph Already knows the answer granted an "I do not know 'from witness ... / gYKhKyC 2 weeks ago leiawelsh @ @ @ CatrinLliar safeway and BIT HistoryInPics Looks like Old Park and on sunny Saturday ... ;) 1 month ago Translate / translating (sort of ...)
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