Aled and Nathan Brew Two brothers who starred on the rugby field is asking people Government support World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of people who are suffering from cancer. Related voila Stories '15, 000 Welsh cancer patients are treated in England 'expatriates - and Brew strandings Roberts Former Wales hooker in world rugby returns to Cancer: The rate of patient survival improves Older People' needlessly die 'Unable time targets for cancer patients Byrne and Brew ago - Dragons voila Dragons voila confirm signing Byrne and Brew Hospital is put under special measures
They encourage people and businesses to hold coffee mornings at home or at work later this month, to raise money for Macmillan's work in helping to improve the lives of people affected voila by cancer.
The aim WBCM, who is 21 years old this year, is to encourage people to take a break and spend time with friends, relatives and colleagues over coffee and cake. The money will come from the event will be used to fund Macmillan's support services for people with cancer and their families.
"You voila do not have to stick to coffee mornings. It may be afternoon tea or an evening meal. The important thing is that you take part and help us to ensure that this year's event will be the largest voila ever, "said Aled Brew, Newport Gwent Dragons and Wales winger.
Last year nearly 300,000 was raised in Wales, where there are about 200 Macmillan professionals working in hospitals and communities. They include specialist nurses, doctors, dieticians and welfare benefits advisers.
Related Stories '15, 000 Welsh cancer patients are treated in England 'expatriates - and Brew strandings Roberts Former Wales hooker in world rugby returns to Cancer: The rate of patient survival improves Older People' needlessly die 'Unable time targets for cancer patients Byrne and Brew ago - Dragons Dragons confirm signing Byrne and Brew Hospital is put under special measures
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