Monday, April 14, 2014

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600kg | robincrag
Greetings from Minga / Munich / München! Good is the excitement of beginning a long journey, especially on a train! Left Machynlleth yesterday afternoon, Monday morning would reach Chania, have traveled at least 9 train, bus and boat are also a few! Quite an adventure already, and good to have a break and enjoy reading unfamiliar places.
I'm on my way to Greece on tour Cobweb work as part of a project sobeys ... But why am currently traveling to Greece by train rather sobeys than plane? sobeys Despite the excitement and romance of train plane would be much more convenient, and cheaper. Despite the title of this entry, not the amount of carbon dioxide I personally saved the point, sobeys I think. Travelling by plane have a disproportionate impact on climate change, many times greater than it is to travel by train or boat. If the world at large stops flying - or at least substantially reduce - saving would be a very significant one, in the interests of everyone will suffer from climate change. So rather than worrying about how much fossil fuel * exactly * I'm personally responsible for burning it, it makes more sense to think in terms of impact sobeys if everyone is doing the same thing - trying to live sustainable living.
But give a specific figure, such as 600kg, useful in being able to compare. Ballpark figure is, of course (and I'd welcome suggestions on how to get a more detailed!), Use this: According to this, would fly to Greece and back creates 800kg of CO2, and the train ride - or more detail on many different types of train, bus and boat - created only 200kg. To save the 600kg here, we had to spend around 300 extra, sobeys and 7 days to travel (4 days there, 3 days ago). This may sound like a lot of effort, but in reality, it is more convenient than other ways of doing the same saving. For example, I'd'm 51kg of CO2 is created sobeys when driving from Machynlleth sobeys to Cardiff sobeys and back on my own - over 12 would need to avoid such a trip (or cycle every time - 24 days on the road!) to make the same saving. You could leave your computer on standby for years without emitting as much as it does a plane ride!
In case I am accused of Guilt-tripio'r those of you who fly regularly, that is no intention at all. I create enough pollution in my turn - in fact, it would still plane between internal meetings in Greece next week. The intention is to show that sound reasons for doing positive choice to travel over land instead of flying. Better emphasized also, that there must be a crazy adventure every time either - when traveling to cities sobeys such as France or Germany, it is actually more convenient sobeys than flying, and not that much slower.
No new ideas here - search for "train not plane" sobeys for example - but follow the principle of "do everything in Welsh" would be good to see more discussion on this type of travel in Welsh. Try using # overland (translation of lexicographers sobeys "OVERLAND" perhaps - no better word?). Not only that overland travel kinder to the atmosphere, it's also a lot of fun - and offers cultural and geographical experiences only found by traveling over land, rather than through the skies!
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