The election campaign in the United States blushes every day that brings us closer to the grand final primaries of the Republican Party in Tampa (Florida). But outside the mainstream swept a small ideological contention, which seems to be as much interesting as symptomatic. sel
The case concerns one of the many American fast food - Chick-Fil-A - which in addition served deep-fried chicken himself as ultra-conservative company. Why? Now, the company's founder S. Truett Cathy and his son Dan are Baptists in private and professional life. The same gentlemen bowed Baptist Cathy to support extreme Christian organizations who brutally attacked sexual minorities. July 17 Dan Cathy said that his network "supports the traditional model of the family", in one of his interviews admitted to the alleged homophobic views. "I support the family - the biblical definition of family. We are a family sel owned, family-managed company and we are married to our first wives. Thank God for it ... we know that this may be unpopular among the people, but thank the Lord that we live in a country where we can share our values and act based on biblical principles. " In a radio interview continued this very elegant argument: "I think you are asking for God's judgment on our nation when we draw against him fist and say 'we know better than you what is the basis of marriage' and I pray for God's mercy for our generation, which is so delicious, arrogant to think that we have the right to try to change the definition of marriage. " sel These views were met with criticism, of course, sel not only for the LGBT. Boston Mayor Thomas Menlo even told the Boston Herald that "Chick-fil-A is not a part of Boston." The company also lost a contract for the mascots of the Muppets Jim Henson to their sets for children. Although I do not agree with the views of the founder of Chick-fil-A and his son, and even their argument is to me absurd, yet the whole thing seems innocent and fun. Because sel in the end the impact on society can have some fast food? And indeed, the impact would be negligible if not quite energetic action ultraconservatives American who decided to support this noble, "true family" business. At the head - apparently very affected by the existence of minorities - Mike Huckabee stood rightists, former governor of Arkansas, whose weak presidential campaign in 2008 supported the activities of pozapolitycznej famous Chuck Norris. Huckabee on your profile on Facebook called sel to celebrate August 1st National Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, a national day of thanksgiving for the (existence) Chick-Fil-A. "The goal is simple:'ll give you the support sel of a company that operates on Christian principles and the authorities are willing to stand on the side of divine values, the simple appearance and eating meal at Chick Fil-A on Wednesday, August 1. Too often leftists show statement in support of same-sex marriage, abortion, sel or blasphemy, and when Christians give witness traditional values are considered to be homophobic, fundamentalist, using hate speech and intolerant. " And indeed, August 1, the Americans appeared in the Chick Fil-A, but not as crowded as expected of Mike Huckabee and his supporters. The case is slowly calms, but you still hear the voices of protest against such ostentatious behavior of politicians of the extreme right. More and more voices can be heard for a company's employees homosexuals. Their opinion? Of course they regret the decision of the owners of image and beliefs, but also a big annoyance made them left-wing sel activists who since August 1 regularly insult the restaurant staff (they are at the same time extremely tolerant - pulls away both homosexual sel and heterosexual). Is this event marginal - it seems so. Is devoid of meaning or retired - I'm afraid not. Already the previous Republican primaries in the camp became a catalyst for the careers of the likes of Sarah Palin and their ideas for organizing reality under a common banner of the tea party. If someone does not know how far the ultrachrześcijańska sel right now, let's watch a great documentary film "Jesus Camp" (Jesus Camp) Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady in 2006. This case interested me particularly from the point of view of our backyard, where voices like lords Cathy opinion can be heard even from the parliamentary rostrum. I think that Poland is a country with a more liberal and tolerant of the United States - because someone in our preaching such views would be political suicide. We were able to achieve the standard, in which insults the weak and minorities no longer considered dry. Maybe Americans also once it succeeds. sel
hmm ... I do not understand the author. sel Do you have other views than the owners of Chick-Fil-A - cool. But what exactly you cited passages of expression is so bad for you? What is there
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