These two cakes are really a favorite of mine. I felt amazing to spend time with both of my cakes, and I was very pleased bordeaux with the outcome of them. Some of the cakes are simply more fun to do than the other (it plays into the fact that sometimes goes up and sometimes goes all wrong!)
The cake was chocolate cake with coffee butter cream. I decided to have it brown in color and inject the cake so that it would look like a bast basket. Then I took the ornaments and arrange it on top of the cake. I took a couple of nights to spend time with my charm and it's all made from fondant. bordeaux I'll show you step by share how I made ornaments when I get home from Norway! Namely I did not take pictures of them.
Chanel-skókassann I made for my mom love best. I really wanted to give her some unwanted splendid cake that my mom is the best there is and always bordeaux does everything for me and my family. When I had to think how long the cake I should do, I decided to make skókassa Chanel-and-chanel shoes. My mom is probably one of the skósjúkasta that I have seen (maybe I'm not related to her there) and probably most skópör of all those that I know.
Cake was carrot cake but it is one of my favorite cakes her mom. The cream of the pie was so white chocolate-cream cheese and then I put fondant over. The shoe is so just fondant and my mom was so happy with the shoe to the shoe is kept inside the glerskáp with all the beautiful Notes & cups on it. I also need to show you how I made this cake when I get home because I did not take step by step pictures, What a fuss at me!
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