Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In the first part of the compilation was told that on the basis of mini-PC Raspberry Pi can be made

In the first part of the compilation was told that on the basis of mini-PC Raspberry Pi can be made supercomputer, weather balloon and even festive lighting system. The new collection shows no less interesting projects: quadrocopter, photo frame, webcam to broadcast images from any location and some other things. Most of the projects are not created just for fun, and is designed to perform one or another it is a practical problem. Quadrocopter coolinarika This project is quite normal quadrocopter, where the data center is used Raspberry Pi. Mini-PC with the appropriate software, raspredeleyaet load for motors, calculates the direction of movement of the device, and all this - in real-time. According to the creator of the device, this system can be used, for example, terrain mapping, aerial photography and perform various other tasks. Normal quadrocopter - a flying machine with a simple control system. Here we see literally flying computer that is capable of much. The software necessary to operate the system, can be found on Github. There already Toiletcam name speaks for itself. The project is made to make life easier for office workers: thanks to the application installed on your smartphone coolinarika or PC, office worker can see whether the free toilet. Moreover, the separation is for male and female toilets (in the case of separate toilets, of course). The algorithm works software coolinarika is quite simple: 1. Linux-Streamer app takes pictures and save them; 2. Through PHP-GD coolinarika determines the brightness of pixels. Then, the average value; 3. The result is compared with the local cache, and if the difference is significant, there is a record in the database; 4. The user receives a "busy", a red icon. In general, quite practical. coolinarika Webcam for bird feeders the cold weather, which means it's time to help the birds to feed themselves. And to observe the feeding trough can install web camera with motion detection and video stream open to all comers. This again helps to "raspberry". It looks something like this (video can be viewed directly coolinarika in the browser). How does the system in the assembly: What do I need? Software: Arch Linux Motion coolinarika Ffmpeg coolinarika For Windows: putty + Winscp coolinarika Iron: Tplink WN722N USB; Camera Sweex Blackberry Black Usb Hd; USB hub; Currency Maplin A79 GW DC to DC; 12-volt battery; Feeder. Check the status of your WiFi network This project is not the most practical, but the office is quite possible to implement. The goal - to demonstrate the presence or absence of wireless communications. The green light - so everything is OK, and if you do not have a network coolinarika problem on your side. Red light - all clear, there is no network coolinarika at all, so the administrator is going to solve this problem. Home media center Habré already coolinarika published such projects, and much more serious. But here everything is simple, you can make your own media center in a few minutes. The main thing - to install the appropriate software and connect the cables. coolinarika By the way, most of the projects mentioned coolinarika above are made more on the basis of the first models Raspberry. This summer went Raspberry Pi B +, with more advanced features. Maybe someone has already done something based on the updated model?
Origami airplane and the radio control: the project PowerUP 3.0 was released in August 5 people at 08:37
Oy. I would like to see a more specific list of what can be done on the basis of Malinki, and that overkill somehow not comme il faut. About kvadrakoptera you are right - great brains. True if Malinka still make a bit less ... And with mounted connectors - the price it would not be. Toyletkam - a typical example of an overkill. Reed switch, LED and battery - our all. Webcam for bird feeders - entertaining, yes. Check the status of network vayfay - shame to spend 55 bucks on a traffic light. And what about the media center, you have obviously got excited. No network card or percent, will not be able to handle full 1080p-video will lag. This, I'm not talking about the sound ovno and will have to hang extra. peripherals coolinarika for the console. IHMO for this purpose better suited USB-sticks, especially since there also can stick Linux. But thank you for the article, video amusing!

IR signal is not the only alternative - the remote control that works on radio frequency with USB adapter solves this problem perfectly. You can go further by putting CEC-adapter between raspberry and TV - will get the opportunity to manage it with the TV remote control via HDMI cable. coolinarika Moreover, there are android and apple app, giving a very wide range of management raspberries spinning on XBMC, for example.
Polzovalsya RasPlex'om long time: - Video is played coolinarika only if the video can be decoded at the video card - This means you no anime Hi10p, not nvazhno what size - credit default theme XMBC ship percent 100% - Some video inhibit more than Plex on Samsung coolinarika (network can not cope) - HDMI-CEC is convenient - Life hacking - is powered chu

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