Sunday, December 14, 2014

Captain 26 / 6/90 introduce

To participate in the team's cards include the following: a personal photograph, copy of birth certificate, copy of national identity card, insurance card and sports in 1390, Hdaksrbray 25 players, supervisor, manager, coach, logistics ,, corpsman (insurance card Sports is required for every 30 people) and 26 / 6/90 Nmaynddr delivery failure if the input matches a record card is issued.
Captain 26 / 6/90 introduce
In each game with four distinctive dress of the team will be responsible for collecting the balls
All documents for participation in the tournament (list, CD, CD specifications, a personal photograph, copy of birth certificate, copy of national identity card, insurance card and sports in 1390, single one million three hundred thousand dollars to the Football Association Finn, an item Czech in the amount of three million dollars in funding for warranty Finn football competitions, list the name of the deceased athletes, team clothing in bright colors Vtyrh list, list of people familiar with the judgment) until end of day Saturday, 26/06/1390 Muhammad delivered right to worship Marmy
Military Status
Glory and virtue Vshgfty sensational beauty of the sun to be seen. If he could have given her go! Beautiful delicate flower fingers are described below languish! Oh that reason does not understand it! Shariati Desert Home Profile Manager Email Blog Archive Blog Tips Blog daily links education assessment exams royal treasurer Shrsharan M. S. Qureshi, S. Qureshi Marmy Marmy martyr Saturn Finn School of Navigational links Archive burn daily stories of the first week of the third week in Persian date Azar 1393 Persian date Azar 1393 Persian date Aban 1393 the first week of the second week, the first week of Persian date Mehr 1393 Persian date Mordad burn 1393 Persian date Bahman 1392 the third week of the fourth week, the second week in Persian date Bahman 1392 Persian burn date Bahman 1392 Persian date Azar 1392 fourth week of the fourth week, the second week of Persian date Aban 1392 Persian date Tir 1392 Persian date Mehr 1392 fourth week, the first week of the third week in Persian date Khordad 1392 Persian date Khordad 1392 The second week of the fourth week in Persian date Bahman 1391 Persian date Farvardin 1392 Persian date Ordibehesht 1392 the third week of the fourth week of the third week in Persian date Azar 1391 Persian burn date Azar 1391 Persian date Azar 1391 the first week of the fourth week of the third week in Persian date Aban 1391 Persian burn date Aban 1391 Persian date Mehr 1391 fourth week the first week of the second week of Persian date Shahrivar 1391 Persian date Tir 1391 Persian date Mordad burn 1391 the third week of the third week Khordad 1391 Persian date Farvardin 1391 the third week of the fourth week, the first week of Khordad 1391 Persian burn date Farvardin 1391 Esfand 1390 the third week of the first week of the second week of Esfand 1390 Persian date Dey 1390 Persian date Bahman 1390 second week of the second week, the second week of Persian burn date Azar 1390 Persian date Aban 1390 Lite Department burn Finn Arab Hassanpour burn Hamedan Department Fin Fin Fin City Beautiful City Beautiful City Delfan

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