Monday, December 8, 2014

1. cryptocard kiwi Spvrydyvm: water lakes and rivers, most bacteria are not performed if the advanc

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1. cryptocard kiwi Spvrydyvm: water lakes and rivers, most bacteria are not performed if the advanced methods Fytrasyvn parasites and some bacteria still remain in the water. 2-Cyano: Cyano a multicellular organism that grows in drinking water and in Australia and Europe and some parts of Asia, the bacteria lives in some tap water and has caused the deaths group has increased. 3. Rvtyfrz a common micro-organisms that can be found almost everywhere in the world and is the most common contaminant in drinking water and strong Fytrasyvn only able to destroy it. 4. Kvppvdz: a crustacean parasites caused by people drinking contaminated water, plants and pollutants entering the water comes through the filtration system to smithereens. 5. Ashrshyalky 6. Legionella bacteria, the bacteria on the phone there is also a lot of people kiwi are dying every year, and in contaminated water and municipal drinking water is abundant, vomiting, diarrhea and pain Muscle pain is the most famous of the water. 7. Chtvmyvm: The bacteria that enter drinking water through the air more humid locations in drinking water in coastal areas, and alter the taste of salt water. 8 Salmonella: Salmonella almost all drinking water is causing many diseases and bacteria in the developing countries, there are many.
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